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UK & Ireland Newspaper Collections
British Library NewspapersThis link opens in a new windowFull text UK and Irish national, regional and local newspapers from the mid 18th to the mid 20th century. Cross searchable with other newspaper archives via Gale NewsVault. We have access to the full collection (parts 1-6). Digitised article and full page scans and OCR text. Date coverage: 1714-1950
17th and 18th Century Burney Newspapers CollectionThis link opens in a new windowFull text news and ephemera from the 17th and 18th centuries, from Britain and the colonies. Holdings complement the Nichols Collection. Digitised article and page scans and OCR text. Date coverage: 1604-1804
Irish Newspaper ArchivesThis link opens in a new windowFull text searchable and browsable Irish newspaper titles from the mid-1700's to present day, providing a unique perspective on Irish history as reported in the national and regional press of the day. English language. Date coverage: 1700-current
Irish Radical Newspaper ArchivesThis link opens in a new windowCollection of 106 newspapers, journals, pamphlets and bulletins from both North and South including titles from Belfast, Dublin and further afield. Includes Irish army bulletins from 1922 and political journals. English and Irish language content. Digitised article and page scans, and OCR text. Date coverage: Early 20th century
Click 'Radical Archive' in top right corner to access these newspapers.
Leftist Newspapers and PeriodicalsThis link opens in a new windowArchive of over 153 newspapers and periodicals focusing on Communist, Socialist and Marxist thought, theory and practice. Mainly U.S. content as well as a significant number of UK titles. Digitised page scans. Date coverage: 1845-2015
Nichols Newspapers CollectionThis link opens in a new windowFull text news and ephemera from the 17th and 18th centuries, from Britain and the colonies. English language. Digitised article and page scans, and OCR text. Date coverage: 1672-1737
Waterloo Directory of English Newspapers and Periodicals:1800-1900This link opens in a new windowA bibliography of newspapers and periodicals published published across the UK, Europe and the English speaking world in the 19th century. A useful tool to discover local and regional newspapers , and where copies of these newspapers can be found. Includes some European languages newspaper titles. Not full text. Date coverage: 1800-1900
Welsh Newspapers OnlineThis link opens in a new windowArchive of 19th and early 20th century Welsh newspapers held at the National Library of Wales. With English and Welsh language content. Digitised full page scans. Date coverage: 1804-1919
UK & Ireland - Individual Newspaper Archives
Church TimesThis link opens in a new windowA UK weekly Anglican newspaper dedicated to Church and world news. Each issue includes features and interviews, Bible commentary, debate on Current affairs, cartoons, book reviews, and more. Digitised scans of individual articles and full newspaper pages. Date coverage: 1863-Current
Daily Express & Sunday ExpressThis link opens in a new windowArchive of the Daily Express & the weekly Sunday Express UK newspapers. Digitised scans of individual articles and full newspaper pages. Date coverage: Daily Express: 1900-Current; Sunday Express: 2000-Current
Daily Mail Historical ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowFully searchable archive of the Daily Mail, a UK daily tabloid newspaper. Digitised scans of individual articles and full newspaper pages. Date coverage: 1896-2016
Daily Star & Star SundayThis link opens in a new windowThe Daily Star is a daily UK tabloid newspaper and the Star Sunday is a weekly publication. Digitised scans of individual articles and full newspaper pages. Date coverage: Daily Star: 2000-Current; Star Sunday: 2002-Current
Financial Times Historical ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowSearchable archive of the Financial Times, a daily broadsheet UK newspaper. Digitised article and page scans, and OCR text. Date coverage: 1888-2021
Graphic, 1869-1932This link opens in a new windowFounded by artist and social reformer William Luson Thomas, this UK publication reflected the view of the ruling classes, but with a social conscience, covering poverty, homelessness and public health, as well as politics, international relations, religion and science. It focused on illustration - this resource provides digitised page scans covering 1869-1932
Guardian & Observer ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowFull text searchable archive of the Guardian, a UK daily broadsheet newspaper, and it's weekly sister publication The Observer. Digitised scans of individual articles and full newspaper pages. Date coverage: 1791 – 2003
Illustrated London News Historical ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowArchive of the Illustrated London News, a weekly newspaper published in London (UK) and the world's first fully illustrated newspaper. It presented a vivid picture of British and world events, including news of war, disaster, ceremonies, the arts, and science. Digitised article and full page scans, and OCR text. Date coverage: 1842-2003
Illustrated War News, 1914-1918 & 1939This link opens in a new windowThis newspaper was an offshoot of the Illustrated London News, first published weekly in 1914. Coverage was very patriotic, focusing on the armed forces and national defence and included reports on air, land and sea fronts in key theatres of war. Includes many full page (often graphic) illustrations and photos. Also includes the work of many well-known war artists.
Independent Digital ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowFull text searchable archive of the Independent, a UK daily broadsheet newspaper. Digitised article and full page scans, and OCR text. Date coverage: 1986-2016
Irish Times & Irish WeeklyThis link opens in a new windowFull text searchable archive of the Irish Times, a daily broadsheet newspaper published in Dublin, Ireland & the Irish Weekly. Digitised article and page scans, and OCR text. Date coverage: 1859 – 2015
London Evening StandardThis link opens in a new windowLocal free UK daily tabloid newspaper primarily covering news and events across London. Digitised page scans. Date coverage: 1827-Current
Mail on Sunday Historical Archive, 1982-2011This link opens in a new windowFully searchable archive of The Mail on Sunday, a UK Sunday tabloid newspaper. Digitised scans of individual articles and full newspaper pages. Date coverage: 1982-2011
Methodist Recorder, 1861-1919This link opens in a new windowContains copies of the Methodist Recorder published during the period 1861-1919. Originally created as an independent weekly newspaper that scrutinised current affairs within the Methodist community, the Recorder has been published continuously for more than 150 years.
Mirror Historical Archive 1903-2000This link opens in a new windowFull text facsimile archive of the Daily Mirror, a UK tabloid newspaper. Digitised article and page scans, and OCR text. Date coverage: 1903-2000
South Eastern GazetteThis link opens in a new windowFull text of South Eastern Gazette, a bi-weekly UK regional newspaper covering the South East of England including East Hampshire through to Surrey and Sussex to South Essex and parts of London. Digitised full page scans. Date coverage: 1852-1912
Sphere, 1900-1964This link opens in a new windowFull text facsimile issues of the Sphere, an illustrated weekly UK tabloid newspaper which aimed to give an international outlook and 'hold pictures and thoughts from all lands'. It's editorial position was patriotic and pro-establishment. As well as world events, it covered arts, sciences, politics and literature. Digitised page scans. Date coverage: 1900-1964
Sunday Times Digital ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowFull text searchable archive of the Sunday Times, a weekly UK national newspaper that promised to instil "an invigorating spirit" in its readership, and to uphold the freedom of the press against those "emperors, kings, and their ministers" who would stifle it" at its launch. Digitised article and page scans, and OCR text. Date coverage: 1822-2021
Telegraph Historical ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowFull text searchable archive of the Telegraph, a UK daily broadsheet newspaper. Digitised article and page scans, and OCR text. Date coverage: 1855-2016
Times Digital ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowFull text searchable archive of the Times (London), a UK national daily broadsheet newspaper and the oldest UK newspaper in continuous production. Digitised article and page scans, and OCR text. Date coverage: 1785 – 2019