Find out about current news collections, audio-visual news sources and print and micro-film collections.
The majority of our archive news databases are provided via the Gale, Proquest and UK Press Online database platforms.
This means that it is possible to cross search some of the content to find news from across a range of newspaper and related titles.
Gale Primary Sources is a research environment that integrates digital collections to enable research across a range of primary sources. Users are able to search across a wide array of materials and points in time.
When you are searching, you can use the checkboxes to select one/some/all of the titles to which the University subscribes, as illustrated in the screenshot below.
UK Press Online newspaper titles - featuring content from
Archives Unbound includes digital collections of primary source documents, including many archival newspaper resources.
You can search across all of the newspapers in the collection by going to the Advanced Search:
Tick the box next to Archives Unbound Newspapers:
Newspapers from the British Newspaper Archive can now be accessed via the Social History Archive - Newspapers collection.
The British Newspaper Archive provides access through personal subscriptions. However, the new Social History Archive contains the same newspapers as the British Newspaper Archive (once all content has been imported) and can be accessed through the university library Social History Archive link.
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