American History, 1493-1945This link opens in a new windowThis collection documents American History from the earliest settlers to the mid-twentieth century. It is sourced from the Gilder Lehrman Collection, and contains correspondence, diaries, government documents, business records, books, pamphlets, newspapers, broadsides, photographs, artwork and maps.
American Urban Life and Health (1883-1914)This link opens in a new windowReports of the Charity Organization Society of New York (1883 -1914) detailing living conditions and investigations of health, industry, delinquency, insanity and crime.
American WestThis link opens in a new windowExplore the fact and the fiction of westward expansion in America from the early eighteenth to the mid-twentieth century. Browse printed books, journals, historic maps, broadsides, periodicals, advertisements, photographs, artwork and more.
Chronicling AmericaThis link opens in a new windowFull text American newspapers spanning the 18th to 20th centuries. Digitised scans of individual articles and full newspaper pages. Date coverage: 1770-1963
Gilded Age and Progressive EraThis link opens in a new windowCovers American history from 1870-1920. Drawn from a number of US libraries, collections include papers of key industrial corporations, charities, influential families and cultural institutions, as well as images of political cartoons, photographs and ephemera.
Goldey-Beacom College Historical ArchivesThis link opens in a new windowThis collection includes photographs, ledgers, papers, and ephemera related to the history of Goldey-Beacom College (1886 - 2017).
History VaultThis link opens in a new windowCollection of unique historical U.S. manuscript and archival materials, including organizational records, declassified government documents, newspaper articles, diary entries, official correspondence, personal letters, business ledgers etc. These materials reveal overlooked perspectives and little-known or forgotten activities and events in U.S. history. The archive includes materials on civil rights, slavery and the Civil War, women's studies, labour and workers, American Indians, politics and society, international relations and military conflicts, the colonial era and early America. Date coverage: 1775-1980
Immigration: Records of the INS, 1880-1930This link opens in a new windowCovers the investigations made in the U.S. during the massive immigration wave at the turn of the 20th century. The files cover Asian immigration, especially Japanese and Chinese migration, to California, Hawaii, and other states; Mexican immigration to the U.S. from 1906-1930; and European immigration. Also covers the Immigration and Naturalization Service's regulation of prostitution and white slavery and suppression of radical aliens. Most files are INS correspondence with some oral histories from immigrants themselves.
Mountain People: Life and Culture in AppalachiaThis link opens in a new windowThis collection consists of the diaries, journals, and narratives of explorers, emigrants, military men, Native Americans, and travelers. In addition, there are accounts on the development of farming and mining communities, family histories, and folklore. These documents provide a view of the of the vast region Appalachia over 350 years.
National Farm Worker Ministry: Mobilizing Support for Migrant Workers, 1939-1985This link opens in a new windowThis U.S. collection reproduces correspondence, reports, speeches, minutes and materials relating to farm workers, poverty programs, Public Law 78, Braceros, labor camps, the United Farm Workers Union and the Delano Grape Strike in the U.S.
North American Immigrant Letters, Diaries and Oral HistoriesThis link opens in a new windowIncludes 2,162 authors giving a personal view of what it meant to immigrate to America and Canada between 1800 and 1950. Contains contemporaneous letters and diaries, oral histories, interviews, and other personal narratives. Also includes some audio files with the voices of the immigrants.
North American Women's Letters and DiariesThis link opens in a new windowThis collection includes the immediate experiences of 1,325 women and 150,000 pages of diaries and letters. Coverage is broadly C18 to C20 with collections focusing on travel, pioneering and daily life for girls as well as covering women's views on family, marriage, travel, religion, disease, and death.
Overland Journeys: Travels in the West, 1800-1880This link opens in a new windowContains a wide variety of material detailing the experiences of settlers in the American West, including many records from men and women making the westward journey and recording their experiences. Comprised of over 290 documents sourced from microfilm collections and based on bibliographies of Western history.
Pinkerton's National Detective Agency Records (1853-1999)This link opens in a new windowContains the records of Pinkerton's National Detective Agency from the holdings of the Library of Congress. Includes the history of the U.S. agency as well as extensive criminal case files, which consist of correspondence regarding the cases, reports from operatives, mug shots, reward notices, and wanted posters. Some include histories of the cases written by employees.
Reports of the Immigrant Commission, 1907-1910This link opens in a new windowThis collection reproduces 41 bound volumes of reports by the U.S. Immigration Commission, analyzing the heavy waves of immigration to America early in this century and their effects on the country.
Sabin Americana: History of the Americas, 1500 - 1926This link opens in a new windowArchive of sources used to create Sabin's bibliography on American history and culture. It covers North American political and religious life, the colonization of the Americas, the American Revolution, early Republic/Jacksonian/antebellum periods, Civil War/post Civil War, the settlement of the West and later eras. This archive includes published pamphlets, tracts, memoirs, congressional legislation, correspondence, broadsides, biographies, histories, fiction and poetry, eulogies, sermons and more.
Social History ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowLargest single online collection of mainly British & Irish historical primary source material although some U.S and European records are included. Includes birth, marriage and death records, local, regional, and national UK newspapers, electoral records and census returns, army and war records, crime reports and migration records.(Content, when fully migrated, will be the same as content in Find My Past)
Transatlantic Civil Society in Periodicals, 1768-1925This link opens in a new windowContains a series of American journals, magazines, and trade papers published in the United Kingdom and continental Europe from 1768 to 1925. Subject matter covered includes art, literature, trade and commerce, leisure, tourism, émigré society gossip, politics, and white supremacy.
American Hebrew & Jewish MessengerThis link opens in a new windowFully searchable full text access to the American Hebrew & Jewish Messenger newspaper archive from 1857-1922.
American IsraeliteThis link opens in a new windowFully searchable archive of the American Israelite newspaper, an English language Jewish weekly newspaper published in Cincinnati, Ohio (U.S.). Digitised scans of individual articles and full newspaper pages. Date coverage: 1854-2000
Jewish AdvocateThis link opens in a new windowFully searchable archive of the Jewish Advocate, a weekly newspaper published in Boston, Massachusetts (U.S.)and one of the oldest Jewish newspapers in America. Digitised scans of individual articles and full newspaper pages. Date coverage: 1905-1990
Jewish ExponentThis link opens in a new windowFully searchable archive of the Jewish Exponent, a weekly community newspaper published in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Digitised scans of individual articles and full newspaper pages. Date coverage: 1887-1990
Jewish Life in America, c1654-1954This link opens in a new windowJewish Life in America will enable you to explore the history of Jewish communities in America from the 17th century right through to the mid-20th century. The collection brings to life the communal and social aspects of Jewish identity, culture and Jewish involvement in the political life of American society.
Jewish Underground Resistance: The David Diamant CollectionThis link opens in a new windowOriginal documents collected by the Jewish Communist and WW2 underground resistance member David Diaman dealing with Jewish, Polish and Communist groups in the French underground resistance. Mainly French language with some Yiddish language documents.
African American PoetryThis link opens in a new windowAfrican American poetry from 18th & 19th centuries.
American Art-Union, 1839-1851: The Rise of American Art LiteracyThis link opens in a new windowMeeting minutes, register of works of art, letters, letterpress books and newspaper clippings from the American Art-Union, a subscription based organisation in the U.S. whose ostensible role was to democratise and promote fine art to the American general public.
Black Drama, 3rd edThis link opens in a new windowContains the full text of more than 1,700 plays written from the mid-1800s to the present by more than 200 playwrights from North America, English-speaking Africa, the Caribbean, and other African diaspora countries. Many of the works are rare, hard to find, or out of print. More than 40% of the collection consists of previously unpublished plays.
Literature, Culture and Society in Depression Era America: Archives of the Federal Writers' ProjectThis link opens in a new windowU.S. Federal Writers’ Project (FWP) publications from 1933 to 1943. The project was government initiative set up to help unemployed Academics, post-graduate students, journalists, playwrights and novelists during the Depression era. The creative output of this project provides insights into the social and cultural history of America during this time period.
Robert Winslow Gordon and American Folk MusicThis link opens in a new windowCovers 1909-1932, but primarily 1922-32, giving access to Gordon's manuscripts, including correspondence and collections of folk songs.
City and Business Directories: Alabama, 1837-1929This link opens in a new windowThe collection provides historical, personal, and professional information about the inhabitants of Alabama's cities, and information about their civic, social, benevolent, and literary organizations. City directories focus on ordinary people and the common-place event, useful for the study of American history and culture.
City and Business Directories: Arkansas, 1871-1929This link opens in a new windowThe collection provides historical, personal, and professional information about the inhabitants of Arkansas' cities, and information about their civic, social, benevolent, and literary organizations. City directories focus on ordinary people and the common-place event, useful for the study of American history and culture.
City and Business Directories: Florida, 1882-1929This link opens in a new windowThe collection provides historical, personal, and professional information about the inhabitants of Florida's cities, and information about their civic, social, benevolent, and literary organizations. City directories focus on ordinary people and the common-place event, useful for the study of American history and culture.
City and Business Directories: Louisiana, 1805-1929This link opens in a new windowThe collection provides historical, personal, and professional information about the inhabitants of Louisiana's cities, and information about their civic, social, benevolent, and literary organizations. City directories focus on ordinary people and the common-place event, useful for the study of American history and culture.
City and Business Directories: Maryland, 1752-1929This link opens in a new windowThe collection provides historical, personal, and professional information about the inhabitants of Maryland's cities, and information about their civic, social, benevolent, and literary organizations. City directories focus on ordinary people and the common-place event, useful for the study of American history and culture.
City and Business Directories: Mississippi, 1860-1929This link opens in a new windowThe collection provides historical, personal, and professional information about the inhabitants of Mississippi's cities, and information about their civic, social, benevolent, and literary organizations. City directories focus on ordinary people and the common-place event, useful for the study of American history and culture.
City and Business Directories: North Carolina, 1886-1929This link opens in a new windowThe collection provides historical, personal, and professional information about the inhabitants of North Carolina's cities, and information about their civic, social, benevolent, and literary organizations. City directories focus on ordinary people and the common-place event, useful for the study of American history and culture.
City and Business Directories: Tennessee, 1849-1929This link opens in a new windowThe collection provides historical, personal, and professional information about the inhabitants of Tennessee's cities, and information about their civic, social, benevolent, and literary organizations. City directories focus on ordinary people and the common-place event, useful for the study of American history and culture.
City and Business Directories: Virginia, 1801-1929This link opens in a new windowThe collection provides historical, personal, and professional information about the inhabitants of Virginia's cities, and information about their civic, social, benevolent, and literary organizations. City directories focus on ordinary people and the common-place event, useful for the study of American history and culture.
City and Business Directories: West Virginia, 1839-1929This link opens in a new windowThe collection provides historical, personal, and professional information about the inhabitants of West Virginia's cities, and information about their civic, social, benevolent, and literary organizations. City directories focus on ordinary people and the common-place event, useful for the study of American history and culture.
International Climatic Changes and Global WarmingThis link opens in a new windowThis collection documents the U.S. response to the threat posed by climatic change and global warming. Documents include studies, reports, and analysis of climatic change.
A full list of the US newspaper titles available can be found here.
Chronicling AmericaThis link opens in a new windowFull text American newspapers spanning the 18th to 20th centuries. Digitised scans of individual articles and full newspaper pages. Date coverage: 1770-1963
Early American Newspapers, 1870-1922This link opens in a new windowAccess to searchable issues of over 300 local U.S. newspapers, with titles available from all 50 states and Washington, D.C. This collection chronicles the evolution of American culture and daily life. Digitised scans of individual articles and full newspaper pages. Date coverage: 1870-1922
Indigenous Newspapers in North AmericaThis link opens in a new window200 years of digitised idigenous print journalsism from the United States and Canada. Content includes English, bi-lingual and Indigenous.-language editions, such as Hawaiian, Cherokee and Navajo languages. Digitised scans of individual articles and full newspaper pages. Date coverage: 1828-2016
Japanese-American Relocation Camp Newspapers: Perspectives on Day-to-Day LifeThis link opens in a new windowJapanese relocation camp newspapers offering insight into the concerns and day-to-day life of interned Japanese-Americans in the U.S. during World War II. Papers are predominantly written in English or duel English & Japanese languages.
Leftist Newspapers and PeriodicalsThis link opens in a new windowArchive of over 153 newspapers and periodicals focusing on Communist, Socialist and Marxist thought, theory and practice. Mainly U.S. content as well as a significant number of UK titles. Digitised page scans. Date coverage: 1845-2015
Roper CenterThis link opens in a new windowAccess to the world’s premier public opinion archive from the Roper Center, covering the 1930's to date. Analyze evolving public opinion across a wide range of topics and use the datasets to examine methodological or question wording effects.
Archives of the Work Projects Administration and Predecessors (1933-1943): Final Reports of the State Program (1943)This link opens in a new windowThe Final State Reports were produced by the State Administration to record the achievements of the specific state projects and to provide recommendations and cautionary tales for any future organization faced with similar problems. The reports summarize the full range of activities that took place in each state, the problems faced, administrative, financial and organizational aspects of the state projects, and factual data on persons employed, and results achieved.
County and Regional Histories & Atlases: CaliforniaThis link opens in a new windowCollection of documents (1867-1910) relating to eight cities and regions in California. The collection includes tables and lists of vital statistics, military service records, municipal and county officers, chronologies, portraits of individuals and views of urban and rural life. The atlases provide additional information on land use and settlement patterns and early town and city plans.
County and Regional Histories & Atlases: IllinoisThis link opens in a new windowCollection of documents (1852-1921) relating to fifteen cities and regions in Illinois. The collection includes tables and lists of vital statistics, military service records, municipal and county officers, chronologies, portraits of individuals and views of urban and rural life. The atlases provide additional information on land use and settlement patterns and early town and city plans.
County and Regional Histories & Atlases: IndianaThis link opens in a new windowCollection of documents (1857-1922) relating to thirteen cities and regions in Indiana. The collection includes tables and lists of vital statistics, military service records, municipal and county officers, chronologies, portraits of individuals and views of urban and rural life. The atlases provide additional information on land use and settlement patterns and early town and city plans.
County and Regional Histories & Atlases: MichiganThis link opens in a new windowCollection of documents (1854-1973) relating to three cities and regions in Michigan. The collection includes tables and lists of vital statistics, military service records, municipal and county officers, chronologies, portraits of individuals and views of urban and rural life. The atlases provide additional information on land use and settlement patterns and early town and city plans.
County and Regional Histories & Atlases: New YorkThis link opens in a new windowCollection of documents (1804-1966) relating to 28 cities, regions and counties in New York. The collection includes tables and lists of vital statistics, military service records, municipal and county officers, chronologies, portraits of individuals and views of urban and rural life. The atlases provide additional information on land use and settlement patterns and early town and city plans.
County and Regional Histories & Atlases: OhioThis link opens in a new windowCollection of documents (1852-1920) relating to 21 cities and regions in Ohio. The collection includes tables and lists of vital statistics, military service records, municipal and county officers, chronologies, portraits of individuals and views of urban and rural life. The atlases provide additional information on land use and settlement patterns and early town and city plans.
County and Regional Histories & Atlases: PennsylvaniaThis link opens in a new windowCollection of documents (1839-1971) relating to fifteen cities and regions in Pennsylvania. The collection includes tables and lists of vital statistics, military service records, municipal and county officers, chronologies, portraits of individuals and views of urban and rural life. The atlases provide additional information on land use and settlement patterns and early town and city plans.
County and Regional Histories & Atlases: WisconsinThis link opens in a new windowCollection of documents (1857-1909) relating to twelve cities, regions and counties in Wisconsin. The collection includes tables and lists of vital statistics, military service records, municipal and county officers, chronologies, portraits of individuals and views of urban and rural life. The atlases provide additional information on land use and settlement patterns and early town and city plans.
Kansas History: Territorial through Civil War, 1854-1865This link opens in a new windowPersonal narratives and memoirs, pamphlets and political speeches, sermons and songs, legal treatises and children's books related to Kansas History.
Roper CenterThis link opens in a new windowAccess to the world’s premier public opinion archive from the Roper Center, covering the 1930's to date. Analyze evolving public opinion across a wide range of topics and use the datasets to examine methodological or question wording effects.
War on Poverty Community Profiles: Midwestern StatesThis link opens in a new windowIncludes Community Profiles from 1960-1968 giving an in-depth analysis of poverty in America with an inventory of historical data at a local level. Covers Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
War on Poverty Community Profiles: Northeastern StatesThis link opens in a new windowIncludes Community Profiles from 1960-1968 giving an in-depth analysis of poverty in America with an inventory of historical data at a local level. Covers Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
War on Poverty Community Profiles: Southern StatesThis link opens in a new windowIncludes Community Profiles from 1960-1968 giving an in-depth analysis of poverty in America with an inventory of historical data at a local level. Covers Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.
War on Poverty Community Profiles: TexasThis link opens in a new windowIncludes Community Profiles from 1960-1968 giving an in-depth analysis of poverty in America with an inventory of historical data at a local level. Covers Texas and details general poverty indicators, size and composition of the poor population, and selected aspects of geography, demography, economy, and social resources.
War on Poverty Community Profiles: Western StatesThis link opens in a new windowIncludes Community Profiles from 1960-1968 giving an in-depth analysis of poverty in America with an inventory of historical data at a local level. Covers Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
Administrative Histories of U.S. Civilian Agencies: Korean WarThis link opens in a new windowThis collection consists of 178 titles from 21 agencies involved in administering the mobilization and managing the economy during the Korean War (1950 – 1953), established under the Federal Defense History Program.
America in Protest: Records of Anti-Vietnam War organizations--Vietnam Veterans Against the WarThis link opens in a new windowFBI reports, newsletters and position papers dealing with every aspect of antiwar work carried out by the Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) from 1967-1975. The collection also includes surveillance on a variety of other antiwar groups and individuals, with an emphasis on student groups and Communist organizations.
America in World War Two : Oral Histories and Personal AccountsThis link opens in a new windowUncover the stories of American military personnel and civilians during the Second World War through their oral histories, correspondence, diaries, photographs, artifacts, and military records.
Civil War EraThis link opens in a new windowAlmost 2000 U.S. pamphlets and 8 U.S. newspapers from 1840-1865 covering a vast range of topics including the formative economic factors and other forces that led to the abolitionist movement, the 600,000 battle casualties and the emancipation of nearly 4 million slaves. Digitised scans of individual articles and full newspaper pages. Date coverage: 1840-1865
Civil War in Words and Deeds, TheThis link opens in a new windowFirst-person accounts from officers and soldiers in the American Civil War, chronicling the highs and lows of army life, from 1861 to 1865.
Civil War Service Reports of Union Army GeneralsThis link opens in a new windowReports of service from various Union generals serving in the American Civil War, covering the period 1864-1887. The reports include sketches of activities associated with battles and other engagements, dates of service and tours of duty, details of personal staff officers, and numerous accounts of battles. A few reports include newspaper clippings, maps, or pamphlets, and some express personal feelings about the war and slavery.
Confederate Military Manuscripts and Records of Union Generals and the Union Army (1854-1870)This link opens in a new windowConsists of Confederate Military Manuscripts sourced from the holdings of various U.S. archives. Collections cover the perspective of an army commander or an administrative department down to the level of the private soldier, covering all aspects of their military service and experience. Also includes unpublished collections of records of the Union Army.
Introduction to U.S. History: The American RevolutionThis link opens in a new windowThis collection documents the revolution and war that created the United States of America, from the earliest protests in 1765 through the peace treaty of 1783.
Introduction to U.S. History: The Civil WarThis link opens in a new windowThis collection documents the war that transformed America, ending slavery and unifying the nation around the principles of freedom.
Japanese-American Relocation Camp Newspapers: Perspectives on Day-to-Day LifeThis link opens in a new windowJapanese relocation camp newspapers offering insight into the concerns and day-to-day life of interned Japanese-Americans in the U.S. during World War II. Papers are predominantly written in English or duel English & Japanese languages.
Japanese American Incarceration: Records of the War Relocation Authority, 1942-1946This link opens in a new windowDocuments the day-to-day running of the 10 relocation camps established to incarcerate Japanese Americans from 1942-1946. The collection is organised by relocation centre. Records include reports and correspondence on issues such as security, education, health, vocational training, agriculture, food, and family welfare.
Japanese American Internment: Records of the Franklin D. Roosevelt LibraryThis link opens in a new windowRecords relating to the U.S. internment and relocation of thousands of Japanese Americans, and Italian and German Americans, during the Second World War as a result of Roosevelt’s 1942 Executive Order 9066.
Military and Government: Hein OnlineThis link opens in a new windowHeinOnline’s Military and Government allows users to research the functions of the US federal government in administering the armed forces, as well as the issues confronting service personnel both on and off the battlefield—from women’s changing role in the military to the development of new weaponry to navigating benefits offered by the Department of Veterans Affairs after service. With funding to the Department of Defense making up the largest portion of the U.S. federal budget, users can also find publications devoted to debating and accounting for appropriations and other funds spent. Includes book and article commentary in addition to official publications.
Papers of Henry Lewis Stimson 1861-1966This link opens in a new windowCorrespondence, letter books, speeches, articles, letters to the editor, statements prepared for presentation to Congress and substantial subject files with clippings, printed matter, reports, memoranda and photographs related to Henry Stimson's various public offices.
Personal Justice Denied: Public Hearings of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment, 1981This link opens in a new windowDocuments from the Commission's 20 days of hearings and testimonies from more than 750 witnesses between July and December 1981, in cities across the U.S.
The Commission investigated the internment, exclusion and removal program in the U.S. started in 1942 upon entering the Second World War. Also includes publications, reports, press releases, photographs and newspaper clippings.
Reconstruction and Military Government after the Civil War (1865-1877)This link opens in a new windowCovers the early Reconstruction period in the American South. Includes correspondence from the U.S. Army's Office of Civil Affairs and also includes letters, petitions, court proceedings and internal documents related to elections, some covering the newly won rights for African Americans voters. Also includes the records of the Freedmen's Hospital and the Freedman's Savings and Trust Company.
Revolutionary War and Early America: Collections from the Massachusetts Historical SocietyThis link opens in a new windowContains 26 collections from the holdings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, focusing on the Colonial Era, the Revolutionary War, and the Early National Period, with some collections extending into the Civil War era. Includes the Pre-Revolutionary Diaries, 1635-1774, which consists of 276 diaries written by 112 people. The collections span a huge date range from 1419-1973 and include a range of papers from families and individual figures.
Sabin Americana: History of the Americas, 1500 - 1926This link opens in a new windowArchive of sources used to create Sabin's bibliography on American history and culture. It covers North American political and religious life, the colonization of the Americas, the American Revolution, early Republic/Jacksonian/antebellum periods, Civil War/post Civil War, the settlement of the West and later eras. This archive includes published pamphlets, tracts, memoirs, congressional legislation, correspondence, broadsides, biographies, histories, fiction and poetry, eulogies, sermons and more.
U.S. Army Center of Military History Historical Manuscripts Collection: The Korean WarThis link opens in a new windowCollection of documents from the Military History Section of the Far East Command, relating to U.S. participation in the war, plus U.S. relations with Korea immediately before and after. Hundreds of documents created on the scene or shortly thereafter are included, such as after-action interviews and reports, orders, narratives, analyses, charts, maps, and photographs.
Bray Schools in Canada, America and the Bahamas, 1645-1900This link opens in a new windowArchives of the Associates of Dr Bray, a philanthropic group whose aims were to provide education for black people and Native Americans in North America.
Canada in Records from Colonial Missionaries, 1722-1952This link opens in a new windowRecords, letters, charters and reports from the Canadian branch of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (SPG), an Anglican missionary organisation.
Norman Bethune PapersThis link opens in a new windowCovering 1911-2000, these papers by and about Dr. Norman Bethune detail his life and impact. Celebrated in China particularly, he was a Canadian surgeon and dedicated Communist, helping the Loyalists in the Spanish Civil War and later the Red Army in China. Includes correspondence, newspaper and magazine clippings, photographs, pamphlets, and other research materials.
Archives of Latin American and Caribbean History, Sixteenth to Twentieth CenturyThis link opens in a new windowContains academic journals, news-feeds, reference articles, commentary, maps, statistics, audio and video covering the region. Topics include politics, economics, religion, culture, international affairs, the environment, science, and technology. The topics are presented on a country and continent level. Much coverage is C19 and C20 but some content is earlier including back to the C15. Includes selected U.S. press coverage of Latin American and Caribbean affairs 1800-1899.
Coleccin Revolucin, 1910-1921This link opens in a new windowSpanish language documents relating to the Mexican Revolution from various archives. This collection includes the revolutionary activities of the Flores Magon brothers, correspondence, military activities and reports on the political situation in some states, land deals, reports of troops and mail operations, circulars, laws, decrees, and manifestos, sessions and meetings of the Supreme Revolutionary Convention held from 1914 to 1915.
Confidential Print: Latin America, 1833-1969This link opens in a new windowThe series originated out of a need to preserve the most important papers generated by the Foreign and Colonial Offices. Covering Central and South America and the French- and Spanish-speaking Caribbean.
Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files, Europe and Latin America, 1960-1969This link opens in a new windowContains U.S. State Department Central Files, which provide American diplomatic reporting on political, military, social, and economic developments. Resources include reports, interviews, minutes of meetings with foreign government officials, letters, instructions, cables sent and received, as well as reports and translations from foreign journals and newspapers. Countries covered are: Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany); Germany (focusing on Berlin); Soviet Union; Cuba; Mexico; Panama; and Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru.
Cuartel General del Sur, 1910-1925This link opens in a new windowDocuments relating to the Mexican Revolution of 1910-20. This collection contains transcripts, journals, draft documents, combat reports and correspondence addressed to General Emiliano Zapata, a leading figure in the Mexican Revolution. Topics include promotion and appointment requests, allegations of abuses committed by military personnel, applications for resources, transfer of prisoners, and papers relating to the signing of the Plan de Ayala.
Emiliano Zapata, 1901-1919This link opens in a new windowDocumentation, mainly correspondence, related to the activities of Emiliano Zapata, a leading figure in the Mexican Revolution (1910–1920), and the Liberation Army of the South.
Foreign Relations between Latin America and the Caribbean States, 1930-1944This link opens in a new windowDocuments concerning the foreign relations between Central American and South American countries in the period 1930-1944. The collection focuses on various events, people and political movements, and includes cables, memoranda, correspondence and reports.
Foreign Relations between the U.S. and Latin America and the Caribbean States, 1930-1944This link opens in a new windowDocuments concerning American foreign relations between the U.S. and Central and South American countries, during a period when these relations changed dramatically (1930-1944). This collection covers a wide range of viewpoints on political, social, and economic issues between the U.S. and Latin America and includes cables, memoranda, correspondence and reports.
Latin American NewspapersThis link opens in a new windowSearchable 19th and 20th century newspapers from Latin American countries in Central and South America. Newspapers contain content in Spanish, English, Portuguese and French. Digitised page scans. Date coverage: 1800-1922
Mexico in HistoryThis link opens in a new windowMexico in History explores the evolution of Mexico from c.1500 to 1929, from Spanish colonisation and the formation of New Spain through the Mexican War of Independence to the Mexican Revolution. The predominantly Spanish-language material is a combination of print, manuscript and photographic collections sourced from The Bancroft Library at the University of California Berkeley.
Nicaragua: Political Instability and U.S. Intervention, 1910-1933This link opens in a new windowRecords from the U.S. State Department’s Central Classified Files relating to the internal affairs of Nicaragua, during U.S. occupation. The records include internal documentation, correspondence with other federal departments and agencies, Congress, and private individuals and organizations; telegrams, airgrams, instructions, inquiries, studies, memoranda, situation reports, translations, special reports, plans, and official and unofficial correspondence.
Nicaragua: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1960-1963This link opens in a new windowThe documents in this archive trace developments primarily during the administration of President John F. Kennedy, with a focus on commerce between Nicaragua and the U.S. Also included are documents relating to social welfare,
Panama: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1950-1963This link opens in a new windowDocuments in this collection are taken from the U.S. National Archives and trace U.S. - Panamanian relations during the Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy administrations. Includes coverage of political and economic topics, including shipping and the Panama Canal.
Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations Between the United States and Costa Rica, 1945-1959This link opens in a new windowThe documents found in these files are predominantly instructions to – and despatches from – diplomatic and consular officials and are often accompanied by enclosures. Notes between the Department of State and foreign diplomats in the United States, memoranda prepared by State Department officials, and correspondence with officials of other government departments, as well as with private businesses and persons, are also included.
Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations Between the United States and Panama, 1950-1959This link opens in a new windowThe documents found in these files are predominantly instructions to – and despatches from – diplomatic and consular officials and are often accompanied by enclosures. Notes between the Department of State and foreign diplomats in the United States, memoranda prepared by State Department officials, and correspondence with officials of other government departments, as well as with private businesses and persons, are also included.
SUR, 1931-1992This link opens in a new windowComplete archives of the Latin American literary magazine SUR. Also includes manuscripts from the first issue and an unpublished set of letters by the founder Victoria Ocampo. Spanish language, with searching available in Spanish or English.
Archives of Latin American and Caribbean History, Sixteenth to Twentieth CenturyThis link opens in a new windowContains academic journals, news-feeds, reference articles, commentary, maps, statistics, audio and video covering the region. Topics include politics, economics, religion, culture, international affairs, the environment, science, and technology. The topics are presented on a country and continent level. Much coverage is C19 and C20 but some content is earlier including back to the C15. Includes selected U.S. press coverage of Latin American and Caribbean affairs 1800-1899.
Argentina: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1960-1963This link opens in a new windowThis archive of reports and official documents from the U.S. government focuses on Argentina after the era of Juan Perón, and offers insight into various aspects of the Argentine economy.
Bolivia: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1960-1963This link opens in a new windowDocuments from the U.S. government, in the years 1960 to 1963, relating to Bolivia and in particular the rise of the Nationalist Revolutionary Movement (MNR) under President Victor Paz Estenssoro.
Brazil: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1960-1963This link opens in a new windowDocuments from the U.S. government, in the years 1960 to 1963, relating to Brazil. The collection covers the period following the resignation from the presidency of Janio Quadros in 1961 and the succession of Vice President Joao Goulart, whose years in office were marked by high inflation, economic stagnation, and the increasing influence of radical political elements.
Brazilian and Portuguese History and CultureThis link opens in a new windowPamphlets and monographs documenting Latin American history and Latin American literature, from 1500 to 1930, from the Oliveira Lima library.
Please note that access to this collection will cease on 27th March 2025
Confidential Print: Latin America, 1833-1969This link opens in a new windowThe series originated out of a need to preserve the most important papers generated by the Foreign and Colonial Offices. Covering Central and South America and the French- and Spanish-speaking Caribbean.
Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files, Europe and Latin America, 1960-1969This link opens in a new windowContains U.S. State Department Central Files, which provide American diplomatic reporting on political, military, social, and economic developments. Resources include reports, interviews, minutes of meetings with foreign government officials, letters, instructions, cables sent and received, as well as reports and translations from foreign journals and newspapers. Countries covered are: Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany); Germany (focusing on Berlin); Soviet Union; Cuba; Mexico; Panama; and Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru.
Foreign Relations between Latin America and the Caribbean States, 1930-1944This link opens in a new windowDocuments concerning the foreign relations between Central American and South American countries in the period 1930-1944. The collection focuses on various events, people and political movements, and includes cables, memoranda, correspondence and reports.
Foreign Relations between the U.S. and Latin America and the Caribbean States, 1930-1944This link opens in a new windowDocuments concerning American foreign relations between the U.S. and Central and South American countries, during a period when these relations changed dramatically (1930-1944). This collection covers a wide range of viewpoints on political, social, and economic issues between the U.S. and Latin America and includes cables, memoranda, correspondence and reports.
Latin American NewspapersThis link opens in a new windowSearchable 19th and 20th century newspapers from Latin American countries in Central and South America. Newspapers contain content in Spanish, English, Portuguese and French. Digitised page scans. Date coverage: 1800-1922
Peru: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1960-1963This link opens in a new windowDocuments from the U.S. National Archives covering U.S. - Peruvian relations during the Cold War. Notes on economic, industrial and social affairs are included, mostly in English, with a small number in Spanish.
Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations Between the United States and Chile, 1945-1959This link opens in a new windowThe documents found in these files are predominantly instructions to – and despatches from – diplomatic and consular officials and are often accompanied by enclosures. Notes between the Department of State and foreign diplomats in the United States, memoranda prepared by State Department officials, and correspondence with officials of other government departments, as well as with private businesses and persons, are also included.
Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations Between the United States and Colombia, 1945-1959This link opens in a new windowThe documents found in these files are predominantly instructions to – and despatches from – diplomatic and consular officials and are often accompanied by enclosures. Notes between the Department of State and foreign diplomats in the United States, memoranda prepared by State Department officials, and correspondence with officials of other government departments, as well as with private businesses and persons, are also included.
Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations Between the United States and Ecuador, 1945-1959This link opens in a new windowThe documents found in these files are predominantly instructions to – and despatches from – diplomatic and consular officials and are often accompanied by enclosures. Notes between the Department of State and foreign diplomats in the United States, memoranda prepared by State Department officials, and correspondence with officials of other government departments, as well as with private businesses and persons, are also included.
Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations Between the United States and Paraguay; 1945-1959This link opens in a new windowThese document are predominantly instructions to – and despatches from – diplomatic and consular officials and are often accompanied by enclosures. Notes between the Department of State and foreign diplomats in the United States, memoranda prepared by State Department officials, and correspondence with officials of other government departments, as well as with private businesses and persons, are also included.
Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations Between the United States and Peru, 1945-1959This link opens in a new windowThese document are predominantly instructions to – and despatches from – diplomatic and consular officials and are often accompanied by enclosures. Notes between the Department of State and foreign diplomats in the United States, memoranda prepared by State Department officials, and correspondence with officials of other government departments, as well as with private businesses and persons, are also included.
Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations Between the United States and Uruguay, 1945-1959This link opens in a new windowThese documents are predominantly instructions to – and despatches from – diplomatic and consular officials and are often accompanied by enclosures. Notes between the Department of State and foreign diplomats in the United States, memoranda prepared by State Department officials, and correspondence with officials of other government departments, as well as with private businesses and persons, are also included.
Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations Between the United States and Venezuela, 1945-1959This link opens in a new windowThese foreign affairs records are predominantly instructions to – and despatches from – diplomatic and consular officials, for the early Cold War period. Notes between the Department of State and foreign diplomats in the United States, memoranda prepared by State Department officials, and correspondence with officials of other government departments, as well as with private businesses and persons, are also included.
South American Missionaries' Records, 1844-1919This link opens in a new windowArchives of the South American Missionary Society, originally called the Patagonian Mission. Includes minute books, reports from the mission field, articles and photographs on the geography, anthropology, natural history and economic development for the society's magazine, launched in 1867, as well as the journals of its Anglican founder, Captain Allen Gardiner, and two others of its missionaries, Edward Bernau and Adolfo Henriksen.
SUR, 1931-1992This link opens in a new windowComplete archives of the Latin American literary magazine SUR. Also includes manuscripts from the first issue and an unpublished set of letters by the founder Victoria Ocampo. Spanish language, with searching available in Spanish or English.
Caribbean NewspapersThis link opens in a new windowOver 140 searchable historical newspapers from 22 Caribbean islands. Offers insight into nearly two centuries of colonial history, the Atlantic slave trade, New World slavery and more. English, Spanish, French and Danish language titles are available. Digitised page scans. Date coverage: 1718-1876
Colonial CaribbeanThis link opens in a new windowStretching from Jamaica and the Bahamas to Trinidad and Tobago, Colonial Caribbean makes available materials from 27 Colonial Office file classes from The National Archives, UK. Covering the history of the various territories under British colonial governance from 1624 to 1870, this includes administrative documentation, trade and shipping records, minutes of council meetings, and details of plantation life, colonial settlement, imperial rivalries across the region, and the growing concern of absentee landlords.
Confidential Print: Latin America, 1833-1969This link opens in a new windowThe series originated out of a need to preserve the most important papers generated by the Foreign and Colonial Offices. Covering Central and South America and the French- and Spanish-speaking Caribbean.
Crisis in the Dominican Republic: Records of the U.S. State Department Central Files, February 1963-1966This link opens in a new windowThis collection includes U.S and Dominican Republic governmental dispatches, instructions and correspondence dealing with topics such as political affairs and government; public order and safety; military affairs; social matters (including history and culture); economic conditions (including immigration and emigration); industry and agriculture; communications and transportation; and navigation.
Federal Surveillance of the Partido Independentista PuertorriqueoThis link opens in a new windowFBI file, including surveillance and informant reports and correspondence, on the Partido Independentista Puertorriqueo (1941-1982), the largest of the Puerto Rican independence parties.
Feminism in Cuba, 1898-1958This link opens in a new windowMostly Spanish-language documents relating to Cuban feminism, women in politics, literature by Cuban women and the legal status of Cuban women. The collection spans the period from Cuban independence to the end of the Batista regime (1898-1958), and contains memoirs, essays, journals, speeches, radio broadcasts and literary works.
Feminism in Cuba, 1898-1958This link opens in a new windowMostly Spanish-language documents relating to Cuban feminism, women in politics, literature by Cuban women and the legal status of Cuban women. The collection spans the period from Cuban independence to the end of the Batista regime (1898-1958), and contains memoirs, essays, journals, speeches, radio broadcasts and literary works.
Foreign Relations between Latin America and the Caribbean States, 1930-1944This link opens in a new windowDocuments concerning the foreign relations between Central American and South American countries in the period 1930-1944. The collection focuses on various events, people and political movements, and includes cables, memoranda, correspondence and reports.
Foreign Relations between the U.S. and Latin America and the Caribbean States, 1930-1944This link opens in a new windowDocuments concerning American foreign relations between the U.S. and Central and South American countries, during a period when these relations changed dramatically (1930-1944). This collection covers a wide range of viewpoints on political, social, and economic issues between the U.S. and Latin America and includes cables, memoranda, correspondence and reports.
Latin American NewspapersThis link opens in a new windowSearchable 19th and 20th century newspapers from Latin American countries in Central and South America. Newspapers contain content in Spanish, English, Portuguese and French. Digitised page scans. Date coverage: 1800-1922
Rastafari Ephemeral Publications from the Written Rastafari Archives ProjectThis link opens in a new windowThis collection contains magazines, newsletters and ephemeral publications from the Written Rastafari Archives Project (WRAP). The period covered is the early 1970s to 2014 and covers a transitional period, where the movement has spread across the Afro-Atlantic world and has become more globalized.
Slavery in Jamaica, Records from a Family of slave owners, 1686-1860This link opens in a new windowRecords of the Goulburn family’s Jamaican plantations from the 17th to 19th century. The archive provides a comprehensive overview of the operation and eventual abolition of the slave trade in the West Indies.
U.S. and Castro's Cuba, 1950s-1970s: The Paterson CollectionThis link opens in a new windowDeclassified records from the U.S. covering the diplomatic, economic, military, and cultural relationship between the United States and Cuba in the era of Fidel Castro. The collection was originally built by historian Thomas G. Paterson.
West Indies in Records from Colonial Missionaries, 1704-1950This link opens in a new windowPapers from the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel: their missionary work contrasted with the same Society owning slaves in the West Indies. The collection covers both sides of the Society's legacy as it moved from owning slaves to educating the emancipated. Contains reports and correspondence from across the region.
World Communism: Pamphlets from McMaster UniversityThis link opens in a new windowContains un-catalogued pamphlets pertaining to communism, socialism, and class struggle. The pamphlets are global in scope, although mostly in English and cover 1901-1969. The bulk of the collection originates from China and Soviet Russia during the post-WWII period, although Cuba and Britain are strongly represented as well.
Archives of Latin American and Caribbean History, Sixteenth to Twentieth CenturyThis link opens in a new windowContains academic journals, news-feeds, reference articles, commentary, maps, statistics, audio and video covering the region. Topics include politics, economics, religion, culture, international affairs, the environment, science, and technology. The topics are presented on a country and continent level. Much coverage is C19 and C20 but some content is earlier including back to the C15. Includes selected U.S. press coverage of Latin American and Caribbean affairs 1800-1899.