19th Century English Language Journals of the Far EastThis link opens in a new windowA collection of six English language journals, founded by Western missionaries or scholars in China and other parts of Asia in the 19th century. These journals cover a wide range of topics such as East-West communication, Christianity in China and other parts of Asia, and China’s political, economic, and cultural landscape.
Area Studies: China and Southeast AsiaThis link opens in a new windowA varied array of records of traders, travellers, missionaries and diplomats, from the mid-seventeenth century to the late twentieth century, offering Western perspectives on all aspects of Chinese culture and society.
Asia and the West: Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange - Nineteenth Century Collections OnlineThis link opens in a new windowFull text manuscript collections, mainly of British Foreign Office and United States consular and diplomatic records. The British records cover Japan only, whilst the US records cover China, Japan and several other countries. Also includes missionary correspondence and journals, plus socio-economic journals focusing on the region. Date coverage is C19 to early C20
China, America and the Pacific - Trade and Cultural ExchangeThis link opens in a new windowExploring the cultural and trading relationships that emerged between America, China and the Pacific region from the early 18th to 20th centuries. The collections includes manuscripts, rare printed texts, visual images, objects and maps.
China: Culture and SocietyThis link opens in a new windowChina: Culture and Society provides access to the Wason Pamphlet collection in its entirety. Mostly in English and published between c.1750 and 1929, these rare pamphlets make up one of the most extensive collections of literature on China and the Chinese in the Western world.
China: Trade, Politics & CultureThis link opens in a new windowEnglish-language primary sources relating to China and the West, providing insight into the changes in China from the earliest English embassy to the birth and early years of the Peoples Republic (1795 to 1980). Includes manuscripts, letters, diaries, photographs, missionary periodicals, colour paintings, maps and drawings.
China and the Modern WorldThis link opens in a new windowSeries of digital archive collections sourced from libraries and archives across the world, covering the C19 and C20. Consists of monographs, manuscripts, periodicals, correspondence and letters, historical photos, ephemera, and other kinds of historical documents. Our access includes coverage of Anglo-Chinese internal politics and relations as well as covering the security concerns of British India in relation to China.
Please note that access to this collection will cease on 27th March 2025
We have access to three collections:
- Diplomacy and Political Secrets, 1869-1950
- Imperial China and the West part 1, 1815-1881
- Imperial China and the West part 2, 1865-1905
Chinese Maritime Customs Service: The Customs Gazette, 1869-1913This link opens in a new windowIssues from the Customs Gazette, a publication from the Chinese Maritime Customs Service, which published quarterly reports of trade prepared and submitted by the customs houses based across China (1869-1913).
Chinese Maritime Customs Service PublicationsThis link opens in a new windowPublications produced by the Maritime Customs Service of China from 1860-1949. Useful data for the study of Chinese trade and economy.
Chinese Newspapers CollectionThis link opens in a new windowFull text searchable archive of Chinese newspapers. English language. Digitised scans of individual articles and full newspaper pages. Date coverage: 1832-1953
Diaolong Full-text Database of Chinese & Japanese Ancient BooksThis link opens in a new windowFull text collection of Chinese and Japanese ancient books from the Si Ku Quan Shu and Qing Dynasty archives covering historical, political, economic, religious, philosophic, literary, ethnic, geographic and medicine documents (Chinese language).
Earl George Macartney CollectionThis link opens in a new windowLetters, journals, logbooks, watercolours, engravings, and books produced by Earl George Macartney and those who accompanied him on the historic mission to China between 1792 and 1794.
Foreign Office, Consulate and Legation Files, China, Section I: 1830-1939This link opens in a new windowCorrespondence from the British legation and consulates in the cities of imperial and republican China, documenting Sino-British relations and aspects of Chinese history from 1830 to 1939. Sources cover politics, diplomacy, international relations, trade and the economy, military conflict, public health, missionaries, migration, war and revolution. Scanned documents with transcriptions.
Minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council, TheThis link opens in a new windowMinutes of meetings held by the Board of Directors of the Shanghai Municipal Council from July 1854 to December 1943. Topics discussed include sanitation, transportation, telecommunication and postal service, taxation, urban planning, gas supply, street lighting, rickshaw operator management, animal protection, and police system by British, U.S. and French board members.
Papers of British Consulates and Legation in China (1727-1951)This link opens in a new windowContains miscellaneous papers and reports from the British legation and consulates in China. Specifically, it comprises a catalogue of embassy archives, 1727 to 1859; trade and intelligence reports; records of legal proceedings; miscellaneous papers, some in Chinese, of the Chinese Secretary's Office; an entry book of papers relating to the East India Company in China; claims arising from Sino-Japanese hostilities, 1927 to 1940; accounts and circulars.
Papers of Old Shanghai: Business, Banking, and InsuranceThis link opens in a new windowVast variety of documents, pamphlets ad books from 1890-1942 from trade, commerce and banking companies and organisations. These publications support an understanding of the business and trade scene of Shanghai during the period covered.
Papers of Old Shanghai: MiscellaniesThis link opens in a new windowThis is a collection of miscellaneous publications covering various aspects of old Shanghai, ranging from literature and art, wars and conflicts, and scientific investigations and applications to local history and language, laws and regulations, and festive celebrations
Papers of Old Shanghai: Societies and ClubsThis link opens in a new windowReports, yearbooks, handbooks, membership lists and rules, meeting minutes, correspondence, and other publications produced by the British Shanghai Club plus other nation specific clubs and social organisations.
Shanghai International Settlement: Urban Planning and Development, 1845-1948This link opens in a new windowDocuments relating to land use and development in Shanghai International Settlement, including land assessment schedules (1869–1933), land lists (1871–1937), land regulations and byelaws (1845–1930), as well as a number of documents recording the rules and reports on the running and management of various public works entities in Shanghai.
20th Century
China: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1930-1939: Part 1This link opens in a new windowOne of two collections based on records from the U.S. government archive relating to China. The documents are primarily instructions to and dispatches from U.S. diplomatic and consular staff. Subjects include political and governmental affairs; records on Bolshevism, fascism, Nazism, and socialism; issues relating to public order; and military and naval affairs.
China: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1930-1939: Part 2This link opens in a new windowOne of two collections based on records from the U.S. government archive relating to China. The documents are primarily instructions to and dispatches from U.S. diplomatic and consular staff. Subjects include social issues, education, entertainment, communications, the public press, economy and industry, and other topics.
China: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1945-1949This link opens in a new windowRecords from the U.S. government archive relating to China. The documents are primarily instructions to and dispatches from U.S. diplomatic and consular staff. Subjects include politics, military affairs, economy, and society, with separate files on provinces such as Manchuria, Yunnan, and Tibet. Folders on narcotics, entertainment, motion pictures, and other topics are also featured.
Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files, Asia, 1960-1969This link opens in a new windowContent includes interviews and minutes of U.S. diplomatic meetings with foreign government officials; court proceedings and other legal documents; letters, instructions, and cables; journal and newspaper articles ; and translations of high-level foreign government documents. Includes coverage of China, Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines and Laos.
Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files, Asia, 1960-1969This link opens in a new windowContent includes interviews and minutes of U.S. diplomatic meetings with foreign government officials; court proceedings and other legal documents; letters, instructions, and cables; journal and newspaper articles ; and translations of high-level foreign government documents. Includes coverage of China, Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines and Laos.
Country Intelligence Reports/State Departments Bureau of Intelligence and Research Reports: ChinaThis link opens in a new windowResearch and intelligence reports on China by the U.S. government, prepared during 1941-1947. The reports vary from short memorandums to detailed, documented studies and topics range from individual commodities or countries to the economic and political characteristics of whole regions.
Economic Cooperation Administration's Relief Mission in Post-War China (1946-1948)This link opens in a new windowThis collection demonstrates how officials of the Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA) looked for economic and cultural opportunities to promote U.S.-China relations, despite the prevailing Cold War suspicions of any and all communists in the early Cold War era. Documents include records of Donald S. Gilpatric, foreign service officer; regional offices correspondences; chronological files and cables; interoffice memos; subject files of the office of the director; among other records.
FBI File: Owen LattimoreThis link opens in a new windowFBI file on Owen Lattimore, an American college professor and scholar of China and Central Asia who was accused of being a Soviet espionage agent by Senator Joseph McCarthy in 1950. The file covers the period 1941-1950.
Foreign Office Files for China, 1919-1980This link opens in a new windowThis collection make available all British Foreign Office files dealing with China, Hong Kong and Taiwan between 1919 and 1980.
General George C. Marshall's Mission to China, 1945-1947This link opens in a new windowComplete records of U.S. Special Envoy General George C. Marshall’s mission to China to negotiate a cease-fire between China's Nationalist troops and Communist forces between 1945-1947. Reports, minutes and memoranda provide insight into the Chinese political and military situation post-World War II, and U.S. policy in China.
German Foreign Relations and Military Activities in China, 1919-1935This link opens in a new windowDocumentation on Germany's relations with China during the interwar period, including materials relating to Germany's industrial and military aid to the Republic of China prior to the Second Sino-Japanese War.
Norman Bethune PapersThis link opens in a new windowCovering 1911-2000, these papers by and about Dr. Norman Bethune detail his life and impact. Celebrated in China particularly, he was a Canadian surgeon and dedicated Communist, helping the Loyalists in the Spanish Civil War and later the Red Army in China. Includes correspondence, newspaper and magazine clippings, photographs, pamphlets, and other research materials.
Political Relations Between China, the U.S. and Other Countries, 1910-1929This link opens in a new windowContains the U.S. Department of State records for 1910-1929 relating to the political relations between the U.S. and China and relations between China and other states. Includes mainly instructions to and despatches from diplomatic and consular officials. Also includes correspondence, reports, journals, notes and other memoranda.
Records of US State Departments Division of Chinese AffairsThis link opens in a new windowCovering 1944-1961, this collection consists of inter and intradepartmental memorandums, reports, position papers, summaries, maps, photographs, and despatches (from US Foreign Service officers and military personnel) relating to the internal political affairs of China and United States foreign policy toward China.
Shanghai Municipal Council: The Municipal Gazette, 1908-1940This link opens in a new windowThe Shanghai Municipal Council (SMC) was founded on 11 July 1854 by a group of Western businessmen to govern the daily operation and infrastructure of the Shanghai International Settlement. The Municipal Gazette was the official publication of the SMC - the full run is available here.
World Communism: Pamphlets from McMaster UniversityThis link opens in a new windowContains un-catalogued pamphlets pertaining to communism, socialism, and class struggle. The pamphlets are global in scope, although mostly in English and cover 1901-1969. The bulk of the collection originates from China and Soviet Russia during the post-WWII period, although Cuba and Britain are strongly represented as well.
Administrative Histories of U.S. Civilian Agencies: Korean WarThis link opens in a new windowThis collection consists of 178 titles from 21 agencies involved in administering the mobilization and managing the economy during the Korean War (1950 – 1953), established under the Federal Defense History Program.
Country Intelligence Reports/State Departments Bureau of Intelligence and Research Reports: KoreaThis link opens in a new windowResearch and intelligence reports on Korea by the U.S. government, prepared during 1941-1947. The reports vary from short memorandums to detailed, documented studies and topics range from individual commodities or countries to the economic and political characteristics of whole regions.
Japan and Korea: Summation of Nonmilitary Activities, 1945-1948This link opens in a new windowU.S. reports on the rebuilding of postwar Japan and Southern Korea by Allied occupation forces. The reports cover military, non-military and interim government activities.
Korea TimesThis link opens in a new windowFully searchable archive of the Korea Times archive, a daily newspaper published in Seoul, South Korea, and one of the oldest English language newspapers in the country. Digitised page scans. Date coverage: 1956-2016
U.S. Army Center of Military History Historical Manuscripts Collection: The Korean WarThis link opens in a new windowCollection of documents from the Military History Section of the Far East Command, relating to U.S. participation in the war, plus U.S. relations with Korea immediately before and after. Hundreds of documents created on the scene or shortly thereafter are included, such as after-action interviews and reports, orders, narratives, analyses, charts, maps, and photographs.
Ambassador Graham Martin and the Saigon Embassy's Back Channel Communication Files, 1963-1975This link opens in a new windowU.S. State Department telegrams and White House 'backchannel' messages between U.S. ambassadors in Saigon and White House national security advisers, talking points for meetings with South Vietnamese officials, intelligence reports, drafts of peace agreements, and military status reports. Subjects include the Diem coup, the Paris peace negotiations, the fall of South Vietnam, and other U.S./South Vietnam relations topics, 1963 to 1975.
Area Studies: IndiaThis link opens in a new windowA vital resource for the study of the British Indian Empire and the history, culture and literature of the Indian subcontinent from 1712 to 1942.
British Raj: Resistance and Reform in India, 1879-1910This link opens in a new windowCovers the Viceroys of both Lord Curzon and Gilbert John Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound in the British Raj between the period of 1899 and 1910. Contains departmental papers from both men’s ascendency, covering infrastructure, the military, commerce and industry, foreign affairs, health, and internal security and governance in the British Raj.
Cambodia: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1960-1963This link opens in a new windowFiles from the U.S. government covering a wide range of internal political affairs relating to Cambodia in the years 1960-1963. A useful resource for the study of Southeast Asian history and the U.S. role in the war in Vietnam.
East India CompanyThis link opens in a new windowDigitised primary source archive covering all aspects of British trade with, and government of, India from 1595 to 1947, under the East India Company itself and under the British Crown.
East India Company: Corrupt Governance and Cruelty in India, 1806-1814This link opens in a new windowContains the East India Company papers of the First Earl of Minto, Sir Gilbert Elliot Murray Kynynmound, who served as Governor-General of India from 1806-1813. The collection is drawn from his personal papers during his time as premier of the East India Company (EIC), including correspondence with other officials, papers from the political department, papers from the secret department, and files pertaining to his time as President of the Board of Control.
East India Company: Laying the Foundations for British Colonial Domination of India, 1752-1774This link opens in a new windowContains personal and professional papers of two East India Company employees, Colonel Robert Clive and Brigadier-General John Carnac. Clive was a British military commander and eventual Governor of Bengal whilst Carnac served as Commander-in-Chief of the East India Company in India between 1760-1761. Includes military records, correspondence and financial records from the East India Company.
Evangelism in India: Correspondence of the Board of Foreign Missions, 1833-1910This link opens in a new windowRecords from the Board of Foreign Missions (BFM) of the American Presbyterian church, in India, documenting the BFM's evangelistic, educational and medical work. Documented in the collection are reactions to foreigners generally and Protestant missionaries specifically, discontent with British rule and the development of the Independence movement, and racial and religious warfare between Hindu and Muslim populations.
Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1947-1980This link opens in a new windowThis collection of files from the Foreign Office (later the Foreign and Commonwealth Office) and Dominions Office focuses on the political and social history of India, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Hindi Cinema: Histories of Film-makingThis link opens in a new windowHindi Cinema features full interview rushes and actuality footage with leading personalities from the Hindi film industry, sourced from the private collection of Nasreen Munni Kabir. Also includes other documentary footage, photographs and posters. Covers 1950-2010 and covers Hindi cinema produced in Mumbai, popularly known as Bollywood.
Hindu Conspiracy Cases: Activities of the Indian Independence Movement in the U.S., 1908-1933This link opens in a new windowCovering 1908-1933, this covers the activities of Indian nationalists in the U.S. Included here are records covering U.S. government's prosecution of these nationalists in the Hindu Conspiracy Case for violations of the Espionage Act and immigration records detailing efforts to revoke the citizenship of certain Indians and exclude others.
India from Crown Rule to Republic, 1945-1949: Records of the U.S. State DepartmentThis link opens in a new windowFiles relating to the internal affairs of India and U.S. relations with India. Records include translations of Indian government documents, speeches, memoranda, official reports, journals and newspapers, and transcripts of political meetings and assemblies.
Indian and Sri Lankan records from colonial missionaries, 1770-1931This link opens in a new windowIncludes letters and supplementary material compiled by the Indian and Sri Lankan branches of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (now the United Society Partners in Gospel ) during the period 1770-1952.
Indian Communists and Trade Unionists on Trial: the Meerut Conspiracy, 1929-1933This link opens in a new windowContains papers and documents surrounding the Meerut Conspiracy Case - a controversial court case initiated in British India in 1929. It began with the arrest and subsequent trial of twenty-nine trade unionists, including three Englishmen. These men were collectively charged under Section 121A of the Indian Penal Code, it was alleged that they had attempted ‘to deprive the King Emperor of the sovereignty of British India… ordained by the Communist International’.
India Raj and EmpireThis link opens in a new windowExplore the history of South Asia between the foundation of the East India Company in 1615 and the granting of independence to India and Pakistan in 1947.
Pakistan from Crown Rule to Republic: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1945-1949This link opens in a new windowA companion archive to India from Crown Rule to Republic, 1945-1949, this collection traces the end of British India and the emergence of modern Pakistan. Contains a variety of documents on political and economic topics, all sourced from the Central Files of the General Records of the U.S. Department of State.
South Asia CommonsThis link opens in a new windowIndian Sub-Continent archive covering the colonial and post-colonial periods of South Asia (18th Century to Mid 20th Century). Source materials include journals, maps, reports, and books,.
South Asian NewspapersThis link opens in a new windowSearchable 19th and 20th century newspapers from India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The newspapers are mostly English language titles with some Bengali and Gujarati content also available. Digitised page scans. Date coverage: 1864-1909
Times of IndiaThis link opens in a new windowFull text searchable archive of The Times of India, an English language newspaper published in Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay), Maharashtra. Digitised article and full page scans. Date coverage: 1838 – 2007
World News in Indian Newspapers, 1782-1908This link opens in a new windowCollection of three English language newspaper titles: The India Gazette, The Bengal Hurkaru and Chronicle, and The Bengal Times. These newspapers were published in India with a target audience of colonial businessmen, merchants, and administrators with an interest in regional and international trade. Digitised full page scans. Date coverage: 1782-1908
Area Studies: JapanThis link opens in a new windowA wide range of sources, by writers, diplomats, tourists, businessmen, missionaries and others, documenting the political, cultural and social history of Japan from 1400 to the 20th century.
Asia and the West: Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange - Nineteenth Century Collections OnlineThis link opens in a new windowFull text manuscript collections, mainly of British Foreign Office and United States consular and diplomatic records. The British records cover Japan only, whilst the US records cover China, Japan and several other countries. Also includes missionary correspondence and journals, plus socio-economic journals focusing on the region. Date coverage is C19 to early C20
Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files, Asia, 1960-1969This link opens in a new windowContent includes interviews and minutes of U.S. diplomatic meetings with foreign government officials; court proceedings and other legal documents; letters, instructions, and cables; journal and newspaper articles ; and translations of high-level foreign government documents. Includes coverage of China, Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines and Laos.
Country Intelligence Reports/State Departments Bureau of Intelligence and Research Reports: JapanThis link opens in a new windowResearch and intelligence reports on Japan by the U.S. government, prepared during 1941-1947. The reports vary from short memorandums to detailed, documented studies and topics range from individual commodities or countries to the economic and political characteristics of whole regions.
Digital National Security ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowAccess to selected government documents covering US policy towards world events from 1945 to present. Collections on Japan, China and specific elements of U.S. diplomacy.
Access to the following collections:
- China and the United States: From Hostility to Engagement, 1960-1998
- CIA Covert Operations, Part III: From Kennedy to Nixon, 1961-1974
- CIA Family Jewels Indexed
- Cuban Missile Crisis: 50th Anniversary Update
- Japan and the United States: Diplomatic, Security, and Economic Relations, 1977–1992 (Japan and the U.S., 1977-1992)
- Japan and the United States: Diplomatic, Security, and Economic Relations, Part III, 1961-2000 (Japan and the U.S., 1961-2000)
- Kissinger Conversations Supplements I & II: A Verbatim Record of U.S. Diplomacy, 1969-1977
- Kissinger Telephone Conversations: A Verbatim Record of U.S. Diplomacy, 1969-1977
- Kissinger Transcripts: A Verbatim Record of U.S. Diplomacy, 1969-1977
- Presidential Directives on National Security, Part I: From Truman to Clinton (Presidential Directives)
- Presidential Directives on National Security, Part II: From Truman to George W. Bush (Presidential Directives, Part II)
- President's Daily Brief: Nixon, Ford and the CIA, 1969-1977
- U.S. Intelligence and China: Collection, Analysis and Covert Action
Foreign Office Files for Japan, 1919-1952This link opens in a new windowThis collection makes available extensive coverage of British Foreign Office files dealing with Japan between 1919 and 1952.
Japan - U.S. Economic Relations Group Records, 1979-1981This link opens in a new windowRecommendations for maintaining a healthy bilateral economic relationship between the United States and Japan, submitted to U.S President Carter and Japan's Prime Minister Ohira.
Japan: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Commercial Relations, 1910-1949This link opens in a new windowDocuments tracing the commercial relations between the United States and Japan. Including instructions, dispatches and correspondence between U.S government officials, foreign diplomats and officials of other government departments, and covering all aspects of trade between Japan and the U.S.
Japan: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Commercial Relations, 1950-1963This link opens in a new windowDocuments tracing the commercial relations between the United States and Japan. Including instructions, dispatches and correspondence between U.S government officials, foreign diplomats and officials of other government departments, and covering all aspects of trade between Japan and the U.S.
Japan: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs, 1950-1954This link opens in a new windowCorrespondence between the U.S. State department, other U.S. government departments, foreign governments, private firms and individuals, on the political, economic, military, social, and other internal conditions in Japan in the early 1950's.
Japan: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs, 1955-1959This link opens in a new windowCorrespondence between the U.S. State department, other U.S. government departments, foreign governments, private firms and individuals, on the political, economic, military, social, and other internal conditions in Japan during the late 1950's.
Japan: U.S. Naval Technical Mission, 1945-1946This link opens in a new windowReports of the U.S. intelligence organisation created to survey Japanese scientific, technological, industrial and naval developments of interest to the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps in the Japanese islands, China; and parts of Korea.
Japan and Korea: Summation of Nonmilitary Activities, 1945-1948This link opens in a new windowU.S. reports on the rebuilding of postwar Japan and Southern Korea by Allied occupation forces. The reports cover military, non-military and interim government activities.
Meiji JapanThis link opens in a new windowManuscripts for the study of Meiji society, culture, ethnology and education from the papers of Edward Sylvester Morse (1838-1925).
Records of the Far Eastern Commission, 1945-1952This link opens in a new windowRecords of the multinational Far Eastern Commission, which oversaw the postwar governing and reconstruction of Japan. Contains a variety of material related to the anticipated economic and political reconstruction of Japan.
Asia and the West: Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange - Nineteenth Century Collections OnlineThis link opens in a new windowFull text manuscript collections, mainly of British Foreign Office and United States consular and diplomatic records. The British records cover Japan only, whilst the US records cover China, Japan and several other countries. Also includes missionary correspondence and journals, plus socio-economic journals focusing on the region. Date coverage is C19 to early C20
Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files, Asia, 1960-1969This link opens in a new windowContent includes interviews and minutes of U.S. diplomatic meetings with foreign government officials; court proceedings and other legal documents; letters, instructions, and cables; journal and newspaper articles ; and translations of high-level foreign government documents. Includes coverage of China, Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines and Laos.
Conflict in Indochina: Foreign Office Files for Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, 1959-1979This link opens in a new windowContains Files of the British Foreign Office (FO 371) and from the Southeast Asian Department (FCO 15), including correspondence, maps, photographs and memoranda, covering key themes such as trade, economic development and increasing political instability. Also includes diplomatic records between the US and the UK covering the region.
Intelligence Reports from the National Security Council's Vietnam Information Group, 1967-1975This link opens in a new windowDepartment of State and CIA intelligence cables concerning South and North Vietnam. Topics include the Vietnam War, U.S.-South Vietnam relations, South Vietnams political climate, opposition groups, religious sects, ethnic groups, labour unions, corruption, press censorship, the North Vietnams military and economy, peace negotiations, and events in Cambodia and Laos.
Laos: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1963-1966This link opens in a new windowArchive covering South East Asian history and the U.S. role in the war in Vietnam. It includes U.S. special reports on political and military affairs; socioeconomic matters; interviews, meetings with foreign government officials; conferences, legal documents; U.S. diplomatic personnel cables; translations from foreign journals and newspapers; translations of foreign government speeches; and memoranda, official reports, and meeting transcripts.
South Vietnam: Records of the Office of the Defense Attaché, 1973-1975This link opens in a new windowThe Defense Attaché Office (DAO) Saigon managed American military affairs in Vietnam after the cease-fire. It also reported on operational matters and produced intelligence information. The DAO was evacuated from South Vietnam during the fall of Saigon on April 29, 1975. Included are serial reports, programme memoranda and correspondence, operational and planning historical reports, intelligence summaries, briefing papers, press releases, and documents on the ceasefire.
Sukarno and the Army-PKI Rivalry in the Years of Living Dangerously, 1960-1963This link opens in a new windowUS records on Indonesia, including essential memoranda, correspondence, telegrams, memoranda of conversations, reports, and news articles. They cover all aspects of U.S. relations with Indonesia, Indonesian internal affairs, and Indonesia's relations with its neighbours.
Thailand: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs, 1945-1954This link opens in a new windowMaterials from U.S. diplomats covering 1945-1954, including special reports on political and military affairs; studies and statistics on socioeconomic matters; interviews and minutes of meetings with foreign government officials; letters, instructions, and cables sent and received; reports and translations from foreign journals and newspapers; translations of high-level foreign government documents, including speeches, memoranda, official reports; and transcripts of political meetings.
Thailand: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs, 1955-1963This link opens in a new windowMaterials from U.S. diplomats covering 1955-1963. Includes special reports on political and military affairs; studies and statistics on socioeconomic matters; interviews and minutes of meetings with foreign government officials; letters, instructions, and cables sent and received; reports and translations from foreign journals and newspapers; translations of high-level foreign government documents, including speeches, memoranda, official reports, and transcripts of political meetings.
Western Books on Southeast AsiaThis link opens in a new windowA collection of 318 rare Western-language publications selected from the John M. Echols collection on Southeast Asia at Cornell University. Publications date from C17-C19 and consist of travel writing by Europeans visiting Indochina (Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia), Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Java and Indonesia, and the Philippines.