Archives of Sexuality and GenderThis link opens in a new windowFull text archive including material on LGBTQ experiences in the 20th century, as well as rare book content focused on all sexualities. The LGBTQ collections are drawn from hundreds of international institutions and organizations, including individuals of different races, ethnicities, ages, religions & political orientations. The books cover content from the 16th to 20th centuries and are drawn from previously restricted collections and cover sex, sexuality and gender issues.
New content added: Sex and Sexuality, Sixteenth to Twentieth Century
British and Irish Womens Letters and DiariesThis link opens in a new windowBritish and Irish Women's Letters and Diaries includes the immediate experiences of approximately 500 women, as revealed in over 90,000 pages of diaries and letters, spanning from the 1550s to the 1950s. The collection also includes biographies and an extensive annotated bibliography of the sources in the database.
Defining GenderThis link opens in a new windowUK primary source materials from 1450 to 1910 relating to the study of history, literature, sociology and education from a gendered perspective. Documents include ephemera, pamphlets & periodicals, education documents, books, personal writings, business records, government papers, ballads and literature.
Food and Drink in HistoryThis link opens in a new windowFrom feast to famine, explore five centuries of primary source material documenting the story of food and drink with sources from the UK, US and Australia. Covering 16th to early 21st centuries.
Food History: Printed and Manuscript Recipe Books (1669-1990)This link opens in a new windowThis collection comprises of centuries of recipes for the kitchen, medicinal formulas for the home, advice for the housekeeper, practical ways to cook on a budget, tips on serving and table etiquette, guidance concerning household management, how to grow one's own food, how to select and buy food, and much more.
Gerritsen Collection of Aletta H. JacobsThis link opens in a new windowCollection of books, pamphlets and periodicals reflecting the evolution of a feminist consciousness and the movement for women's rights. Coverage includes the UK and Europe, the US and Canada, and New Zealand. Contents are primarily in English with some German, French and other languages and cover 1543-1945.
Perdita ManuscriptsThis link opens in a new windowThe Perdita Project was set up to find and digitise early modern women authors who were lost because their writing existed only in manuscript form. The digitised manuscripts in this collection were written or compiled by women in the British Isles during the 16th and 17th centuries. Content includes accounts and receipt books, diaries, biographies, prose, poetry, psalms, travel writing, historical writing and more.
Witchcraft in Europe and AmericaThis link opens in a new windowWritings on the subject of witchcraft dating from the 15th to the early 20th century, sourced from the Cornell University Library. Rare and fragile manuscripts containing eyewitness accounts and court records of the trials of witches, including depositions obtained under torture.
Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000This link opens in a new windowContains 124 document projects and archives with more than 5,100 documents and 175,000 pages of additional full-text documents, written by 2,800 primary authors. It also includes book, film, and website reviews, notes from the archives, and teaching tools, all covering the history of women in social movements.
Women’s Voices and Life Writing, 1600-1968This link opens in a new windowWomen’s Voices and Life Writing, 1600-1968 brings together diaries and oral histories for the study of the lives and experiences of less well-known women, told through their own words. Hundreds of individuals from a diverse range of backgrounds are represented. Sources are UK and Irish archives and most documents are diaries, though there is a wide range of other material also included.
American PeriodicalsThis link opens in a new windowThis database contains periodicals published between 1740 and 1940, including special interest and general magazines, literary and professional journals, children's and women's magazines and many other historically-significant periodicals.
Archives of Sexuality and GenderThis link opens in a new windowFull text archive including material on LGBTQ experiences in the 20th century, as well as rare book content focused on all sexualities. The LGBTQ collections are drawn from hundreds of international institutions and organizations, including individuals of different races, ethnicities, ages, religions & political orientations. The books cover content from the 16th to 20th centuries and are drawn from previously restricted collections and cover sex, sexuality and gender issues.
New content added: Sex and Sexuality, Sixteenth to Twentieth Century
Black Women WritersThis link opens in a new windowBlack Women Writers presents 100,000 pages of literature and essays on feminist issues, written by authors from Africa and the African diaspora. Coverage begins in the 18th century with narratives depicting slavery, moves through and beyond the Harlem Renaissance, and includes writers from the movements of the 1960s, covering womanism, black feminism, and related topics.
British and Irish Womens Letters and DiariesThis link opens in a new windowBritish and Irish Women's Letters and Diaries includes the immediate experiences of approximately 500 women, as revealed in over 90,000 pages of diaries and letters, spanning from the 1550s to the 1950s. The collection also includes biographies and an extensive annotated bibliography of the sources in the database.
Defining GenderThis link opens in a new windowUK primary source materials from 1450 to 1910 relating to the study of history, literature, sociology and education from a gendered perspective. Documents include ephemera, pamphlets & periodicals, education documents, books, personal writings, business records, government papers, ballads and literature.
Food and Drink in HistoryThis link opens in a new windowFrom feast to famine, explore five centuries of primary source material documenting the story of food and drink with sources from the UK, US and Australia. Covering 16th to early 21st centuries.
Gerritsen Collection of Aletta H. JacobsThis link opens in a new windowCollection of books, pamphlets and periodicals reflecting the evolution of a feminist consciousness and the movement for women's rights. Coverage includes the UK and Europe, the US and Canada, and New Zealand. Contents are primarily in English with some German, French and other languages and cover 1543-1945.
Manuscript Women's Letters and Diaries from the American Antiquarian SocietyThis link opens in a new windowCovers American women's writing from C18 - C20. Documents are displayed as images and indexed. Drawn entirely from the holdings of the American Antiquarian Society, it includes letters, diaries and postcards.
North American Women's Letters and DiariesThis link opens in a new windowThis collection includes the immediate experiences of 1,325 women and 150,000 pages of diaries and letters. Coverage is broadly C18 to C20 with collections focusing on travel, pioneering and daily life for girls as well as covering women's views on family, marriage, travel, religion, disease, and death.
Perdita ManuscriptsThis link opens in a new windowThe Perdita Project was set up to find and digitise early modern women authors who were lost because their writing existed only in manuscript form. The digitised manuscripts in this collection were written or compiled by women in the British Isles during the 16th and 17th centuries. Content includes accounts and receipt books, diaries, biographies, prose, poetry, psalms, travel writing, historical writing and more.
Witchcraft in Europe and AmericaThis link opens in a new windowWritings on the subject of witchcraft dating from the 15th to the early 20th century, sourced from the Cornell University Library. Rare and fragile manuscripts containing eyewitness accounts and court records of the trials of witches, including depositions obtained under torture.
Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000This link opens in a new windowContains 124 document projects and archives with more than 5,100 documents and 175,000 pages of additional full-text documents, written by 2,800 primary authors. It also includes book, film, and website reviews, notes from the archives, and teaching tools, all covering the history of women in social movements.
Women's Periodicals: Social and Political IssuesThis link opens in a new windowCovers 1786-1933 with content from the U.K. and the U.S. as well as some French, German and Icelandic publications. Includes titles published by men, for women; titles published by male editors with strong input from female assistant editors/; and titles conceived and published by women, for women.
Women's StudiesThis link opens in a new windowPrinted and manuscript sources over four centuries, providing a multitude of perspectives on the changing roles of women in history. This collection offers access to the works and legacy of many notable and influential women, but also a chance to hear the voices of forgotten and ordinary women. Covering mainly 18th to early 20th century.
Women’s Voices and Life Writing, 1600-1968This link opens in a new windowWomen’s Voices and Life Writing, 1600-1968 brings together diaries and oral histories for the study of the lives and experiences of less well-known women, told through their own words. Hundreds of individuals from a diverse range of backgrounds are represented. Sources are UK and Irish archives and most documents are diaries, though there is a wide range of other material also included.
American PeriodicalsThis link opens in a new windowThis database contains periodicals published between 1740 and 1940, including special interest and general magazines, literary and professional journals, children's and women's magazines and many other historically-significant periodicals.
Archives of Sexuality and GenderThis link opens in a new windowFull text archive including material on LGBTQ experiences in the 20th century, as well as rare book content focused on all sexualities. The LGBTQ collections are drawn from hundreds of international institutions and organizations, including individuals of different races, ethnicities, ages, religions & political orientations. The books cover content from the 16th to 20th centuries and are drawn from previously restricted collections and cover sex, sexuality and gender issues.
New content added: Sex and Sexuality, Sixteenth to Twentieth Century
Black Women WritersThis link opens in a new windowBlack Women Writers presents 100,000 pages of literature and essays on feminist issues, written by authors from Africa and the African diaspora. Coverage begins in the 18th century with narratives depicting slavery, moves through and beyond the Harlem Renaissance, and includes writers from the movements of the 1960s, covering womanism, black feminism, and related topics.
British and Irish Womens Letters and DiariesThis link opens in a new windowBritish and Irish Women's Letters and Diaries includes the immediate experiences of approximately 500 women, as revealed in over 90,000 pages of diaries and letters, spanning from the 1550s to the 1950s. The collection also includes biographies and an extensive annotated bibliography of the sources in the database.
British Women Trade Unionists on Strike at Bryant & May, 1888This link opens in a new windowThese papers combine business records from Bryant and May with press coverage of the matchwomen's strike over their working conditions in 1888. Photographs of the women who were involved are also included.
Colonial Women Missionaries of the Committee for Women's Work, 1861-1967This link opens in a new windowThe committee underwent several changes of name, but originally it was a semi-autonomous body linked with the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. The collection includes minutes of main and sub-committees, candidates' books, in and out letters, and reports. Comprises approximately two thirds of the vast records relating to the Committee on Women's Work stored at Rhodes House Library, Oxford.
Defining GenderThis link opens in a new windowUK primary source materials from 1450 to 1910 relating to the study of history, literature, sociology and education from a gendered perspective. Documents include ephemera, pamphlets & periodicals, education documents, books, personal writings, business records, government papers, ballads and literature.
Everyday Life & Women in America c.1800-1920This link opens in a new windowUnique primary source material for the study of American social, cultural, and popular history in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Feminism in Cuba, 1898-1958This link opens in a new windowMostly Spanish-language documents relating to Cuban feminism, women in politics, literature by Cuban women and the legal status of Cuban women. The collection spans the period from Cuban independence to the end of the Batista regime (1898-1958), and contains memoirs, essays, journals, speeches, radio broadcasts and literary works.
Food and Drink in HistoryThis link opens in a new windowFrom feast to famine, explore five centuries of primary source material documenting the story of food and drink with sources from the UK, US and Australia. Covering 16th to early 21st centuries.
Gender: Identity and Social ChangeThis link opens in a new windowPrimary sources from the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and Australia.documenting women's lived experiences of suffrage, gender roles, the feminist movement, the mens movement, employment, education, the body, the family, and government and politics. Date coverage is from the 19th century to early 21st century.
Gerritsen Collection of Aletta H. JacobsThis link opens in a new windowCollection of books, pamphlets and periodicals reflecting the evolution of a feminist consciousness and the movement for women's rights. Coverage includes the UK and Europe, the US and Canada, and New Zealand. Contents are primarily in English with some German, French and other languages and cover 1543-1945.
Harper's Bazaar ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowFull colour magazine archive covering from 1867 - current. A chronicle of American, British, and international fashion, culture, and society, offering unique insights into the events, attitudes, and interests of the modern era.
Manuscript Women's Letters and Diaries from the American Antiquarian SocietyThis link opens in a new windowCovers American women's writing from C18 - C20. Documents are displayed as images and indexed. Drawn entirely from the holdings of the American Antiquarian Society, it includes letters, diaries and postcards.
North American Women's Letters and DiariesThis link opens in a new windowThis collection includes the immediate experiences of 1,325 women and 150,000 pages of diaries and letters. Coverage is broadly C18 to C20 with collections focusing on travel, pioneering and daily life for girls as well as covering women's views on family, marriage, travel, religion, disease, and death.
Queen Victoria's JournalsThis link opens in a new windowDigitised versions of 141 volumes of Queen Victoria’s private diaries, written between 1832-1837. Entries are transcribed (Choose Full-text option a document to view).
Sex & SexualityThis link opens in a new windowAccess to collections from prominent sex researchers and sexologists. Papers from Dr. John Money and Dr. Harry Benjamin document advances in areas such as diverse as biology, health and medicine, sociology, anthropology, and psychology, whilst collected research from Alice Withrow Field and James W. Edwards offer important investigations into criminology and global attitudes towards sex. Covering early 19th to the early 21st centuries.
Struggle for Women's Rights: Organizational Records, 1880-1990This link opens in a new windowComprised of the records of three important women's rights organisations in the U.S.: the National Woman's Party, the League of Women Voters, and the Women's Action Alliance. Issues covered include employment and employment discrimination, childcare, health care, politics and education.
Travel Writing, Spectacle and World HistoryThis link opens in a new windowHundreds of accounts by women of their travels across the globe from the early nineteenth century to the late twentieth century. Includes unique manuscripts, diaries and correspondence to drawings, guidebooks and photographs. The resource also includes a gallery with hundreds of items of visual material, including postcards, sketches and photographs.
Vogue ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowArchive of the magazine American Vogue. Includes all editions from 1892 to the present. The collection provides an insight into US fashion, culture and society.
Witchcraft in Europe and AmericaThis link opens in a new windowWritings on the subject of witchcraft dating from the 15th to the early 20th century, sourced from the Cornell University Library. Rare and fragile manuscripts containing eyewitness accounts and court records of the trials of witches, including depositions obtained under torture.
Women's Magazine ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowArchive of leading women’s interest consumer magazines from the late-19th century to 2005. Mainly US titles, but now expanded to include major UK titles as well. Subject coverage includes gender studies, social history, economics/marketing, media, fashion, politics, and popular culture.
Collections I, II and III available.
Women's Periodicals: Social and Political IssuesThis link opens in a new windowCovers 1786-1933 with content from the U.K. and the U.S. as well as some French, German and Icelandic publications. Includes titles published by men, for women; titles published by male editors with strong input from female assistant editors/; and titles conceived and published by women, for women.
Women's StudiesThis link opens in a new windowPrinted and manuscript sources over four centuries, providing a multitude of perspectives on the changing roles of women in history. This collection offers access to the works and legacy of many notable and influential women, but also a chance to hear the voices of forgotten and ordinary women. Covering mainly 18th to early 20th century.
Women and Social Movements, International: 1840 to PresentThis link opens in a new windowIncludes the writings of women activists, their personal letters and diaries, and the proceedings of conferences at which pivotal decisions were made. Coverage is global, with the largest collections covering Africa and Asia. Collections can be searched or browsed by a variety of different aspects.
Women and Social Movements in Modern Empires Since 1820This link opens in a new windowExplores prominent themes in world history since 1820: conquest, colonization, settlement, resistance, and post-coloniality, as told through womens' voices, particularly those of the colonized. Includes documents related to the Habsburg Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the British, French, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Japanese, and United States Empires, and settler societies in the United States, New Zealand and Australia.
Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000This link opens in a new windowContains 124 document projects and archives with more than 5,100 documents and 175,000 pages of additional full-text documents, written by 2,800 primary authors. It also includes book, film, and website reviews, notes from the archives, and teaching tools, all covering the history of women in social movements.
Women’s Voices and Life Writing, 1600-1968This link opens in a new windowWomen’s Voices and Life Writing, 1600-1968 brings together diaries and oral histories for the study of the lives and experiences of less well-known women, told through their own words. Hundreds of individuals from a diverse range of backgrounds are represented. Sources are UK and Irish archives and most documents are diaries, though there is a wide range of other material also included.
American PeriodicalsThis link opens in a new windowThis database contains periodicals published between 1740 and 1940, including special interest and general magazines, literary and professional journals, children's and women's magazines and many other historically-significant periodicals.
Archives of Sexuality and GenderThis link opens in a new windowFull text archive including material on LGBTQ experiences in the 20th century, as well as rare book content focused on all sexualities. The LGBTQ collections are drawn from hundreds of international institutions and organizations, including individuals of different races, ethnicities, ages, religions & political orientations. The books cover content from the 16th to 20th centuries and are drawn from previously restricted collections and cover sex, sexuality and gender issues.
New content added: Sex and Sexuality, Sixteenth to Twentieth Century
Black Women WritersThis link opens in a new windowBlack Women Writers presents 100,000 pages of literature and essays on feminist issues, written by authors from Africa and the African diaspora. Coverage begins in the 18th century with narratives depicting slavery, moves through and beyond the Harlem Renaissance, and includes writers from the movements of the 1960s, covering womanism, black feminism, and related topics.
British and Irish Womens Letters and DiariesThis link opens in a new windowBritish and Irish Women's Letters and Diaries includes the immediate experiences of approximately 500 women, as revealed in over 90,000 pages of diaries and letters, spanning from the 1550s to the 1950s. The collection also includes biographies and an extensive annotated bibliography of the sources in the database.
Colonial Women Missionaries of the Committee for Women's Work, 1861-1967This link opens in a new windowThe committee underwent several changes of name, but originally it was a semi-autonomous body linked with the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. The collection includes minutes of main and sub-committees, candidates' books, in and out letters, and reports. Comprises approximately two thirds of the vast records relating to the Committee on Women's Work stored at Rhodes House Library, Oxford.
Defining GenderThis link opens in a new windowUK primary source materials from 1450 to 1910 relating to the study of history, literature, sociology and education from a gendered perspective. Documents include ephemera, pamphlets & periodicals, education documents, books, personal writings, business records, government papers, ballads and literature.
Everyday Life & Women in America c.1800-1920This link opens in a new windowUnique primary source material for the study of American social, cultural, and popular history in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Feminism in Cuba, 1898-1958This link opens in a new windowMostly Spanish-language documents relating to Cuban feminism, women in politics, literature by Cuban women and the legal status of Cuban women. The collection spans the period from Cuban independence to the end of the Batista regime (1898-1958), and contains memoirs, essays, journals, speeches, radio broadcasts and literary works.
Food and Drink in HistoryThis link opens in a new windowFrom feast to famine, explore five centuries of primary source material documenting the story of food and drink with sources from the UK, US and Australia. Covering 16th to early 21st centuries.
Food Studies OnlineThis link opens in a new windowContains archival content, visual ephemera, monographs, and videos that explore how food shapes the world around us. Content is mainly C20, but there is a small amount of older material. The scope is global, though most material is focused around Europe and North America.
Gender, Feminism, and the British Left, 1944-1991This link opens in a new windowContains records compiled by the Communist Party of Great Britain's Women's Department during the period 1944-1991. These records include minutes, agendas, and promotional materials from various women's campaigns, events, and conferences. They also include copies of Link, the party's women's magazine, and Red Rag, a controversial journal published by the party's more militant feminist members.
Gender: Identity and Social ChangeThis link opens in a new windowPrimary sources from the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and Australia.documenting women's lived experiences of suffrage, gender roles, the feminist movement, the mens movement, employment, education, the body, the family, and government and politics. Date coverage is from the 19th century to early 21st century.
Gerritsen Collection of Aletta H. JacobsThis link opens in a new windowCollection of books, pamphlets and periodicals reflecting the evolution of a feminist consciousness and the movement for women's rights. Coverage includes the UK and Europe, the US and Canada, and New Zealand. Contents are primarily in English with some German, French and other languages and cover 1543-1945.
Harper's Bazaar ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowFull colour magazine archive covering from 1867 - current. A chronicle of American, British, and international fashion, culture, and society, offering unique insights into the events, attitudes, and interests of the modern era.
Independent VoicesThis link opens in a new windowIndependent Voices is an open access digital collection of alternative press newspapers, magazines and journals. These materials were produced by feminists, dissident GIs, campus radicals, Native Americans, anti-war activists, Black Power advocates, Hispanics, LGBT activists, the extreme right-wing press and alternative literary magazines during the latter half of the 20th century.
Manuscript Women's Letters and Diaries from the American Antiquarian SocietyThis link opens in a new windowCovers American women's writing from C18 - C20. Documents are displayed as images and indexed. Drawn entirely from the holdings of the American Antiquarian Society, it includes letters, diaries and postcards.
Margaret Sanger PapersThis link opens in a new windowCovers every aspect of the 20th century birth control movement in the U.S., including the movement's changing ideologies, its campaign for legitimacy, its internal conflicts and organisational growth. Includes Sanger's correspondence, her personal papers and other papers that she collected to document the birth control movement.
Mass Observation Online (1937-1967)This link opens in a new windowThe papers of Mass Observation, a pioneering social research organisation. Provides insights into the cultural and social history of Britain from 1937 to 1967.
Mass Observation Project: 1981-2009This link opens in a new windowDocumenting the social history of Britain by recruiting volunteers to write about their lives and opinions. This collection consists of the directives (questionnaires) sent out by Mass Observation in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s and the thousands of responses to them from the hundreds of Mass Observers. An important source of qualitative social data in the UK.
North American Women's Letters and DiariesThis link opens in a new windowThis collection includes the immediate experiences of 1,325 women and 150,000 pages of diaries and letters. Coverage is broadly C18 to C20 with collections focusing on travel, pioneering and daily life for girls as well as covering women's views on family, marriage, travel, religion, disease, and death.
Phyllis Lyon, Del Martin and the Daughters of BilitisThis link opens in a new windowDrawn from the archives of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Historical Society in the U.S., this archive contains information on the founding and growth of the homophile movement, especially the Daughters of Bilitis and The Ladder magazine, including early meeting minutes, correspondence, chapter records, membership data, and manuscripts unavailable elsewhere. Coverage is 1955-1984.
Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin: Beyond the Daughters of BilitisThis link opens in a new windowDrawn from the archives of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Historical Society in the U.S., this archive documents Lyon and Martin's work in the LGBT and women's rights movements. Coverage is 1966-1984 and documents include minutes, correspondence, notes related to their work with various organisations and materials related to their book 'Battered Wives'.
Quest for Labor Equality in Household Work: National Domestic Workers Union, 1965-1979This link opens in a new windowRecords of the United Domestic Workers Union (U.S) from 1965-1979, including minutes of committees, financial documents and legal documents. Topics include involvement in the Black community, the Manpower Program, the Career Learning Center, the Homemaking Skills Training Program, Maids Honor Day, the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA), and various federal agencies.
Records of the Children's Bureau, 1912-1969This link opens in a new windowConsists of reports, speeches, correspondence, and research materials from the Children's Bureau, the first U.S. federal agency dedicated entirely to protecting the welfare of children and families. The documents in this collection originate from the administrative files of bureau staff members, including the bureau's chiefs throughout the years: Julia Lathrop, Grace Abbott, Katharine Lenroot, Martha Eliot, and Katherine Oettinger.
Scottish Women's Suffrage Movement, 1902-1933This link opens in a new windowContains documents from the Glasgow and West of Scotland Society for Women's Suffrage - a non-militant movement running during the period 1902-1933. Includes committee meeting minutes, letter books, and reports, which cover everything from the recruitment and selection of female candidates to fundraising for local hospitals. Campaigns include those for equal voting rights and the free distribution of information on birth control.
Sex & SexualityThis link opens in a new windowAccess to collections from prominent sex researchers and sexologists. Papers from Dr. John Money and Dr. Harry Benjamin document advances in areas such as diverse as biology, health and medicine, sociology, anthropology, and psychology, whilst collected research from Alice Withrow Field and James W. Edwards offer important investigations into criminology and global attitudes towards sex. Covering early 19th to the early 21st centuries.
Soviet Woman Digital ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowEnglish language archive of the Russian magazine. Published by the Soviet Women’s Anti-Fascist Committee and the Central Council of Trade Unions of the USSR to counter anti-Soviet propaganda, and introduce Western audiences to the lifestyle, role and achievements of Soviet women. Publication spans from 1945 to 1991.
Struggle for Women's Rights: Organizational Records, 1880-1990This link opens in a new windowComprised of the records of three important women's rights organisations in the U.S.: the National Woman's Party, the League of Women Voters, and the Women's Action Alliance. Issues covered include employment and employment discrimination, childcare, health care, politics and education.
Travel Writing, Spectacle and World HistoryThis link opens in a new windowHundreds of accounts by women of their travels across the globe from the early nineteenth century to the late twentieth century. Includes unique manuscripts, diaries and correspondence to drawings, guidebooks and photographs. The resource also includes a gallery with hundreds of items of visual material, including postcards, sketches and photographs.
Vogue ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowArchive of the magazine American Vogue. Includes all editions from 1892 to the present. The collection provides an insight into US fashion, culture and society.
Witchcraft in Europe and AmericaThis link opens in a new windowWritings on the subject of witchcraft dating from the 15th to the early 20th century, sourced from the Cornell University Library. Rare and fragile manuscripts containing eyewitness accounts and court records of the trials of witches, including depositions obtained under torture.
Women's Issues and Their Advocacy Within the White House, 1974-1977This link opens in a new windowDocuments Patricia Lindh's and Jeanne Holm's liaison with U.S. women's groups and their advocacy within the White House on issues of special interest to women. The bulk of the collection is derived from liaison activities with over 300 women's organisations, agency women’s groups and program units, advisory committees on women and women appointees.
Women's Magazine ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowArchive of leading women’s interest consumer magazines from the late-19th century to 2005. Mainly US titles, but now expanded to include major UK titles as well. Subject coverage includes gender studies, social history, economics/marketing, media, fashion, politics, and popular culture.
Collections I, II and III available.
Women's Periodicals: Social and Political IssuesThis link opens in a new windowCovers 1786-1933 with content from the U.K. and the U.S. as well as some French, German and Icelandic publications. Includes titles published by men, for women; titles published by male editors with strong input from female assistant editors/; and titles conceived and published by women, for women.
Women's StudiesThis link opens in a new windowPrinted and manuscript sources over four centuries, providing a multitude of perspectives on the changing roles of women in history. This collection offers access to the works and legacy of many notable and influential women, but also a chance to hear the voices of forgotten and ordinary women. Covering mainly 18th to early 20th century.
Women's Studies Manuscript Collections from the Schlesinger Library: Voting Rights, National Politics, and Reproductive RightsThis link opens in a new windowCollection focusing on the fight for women's voting rights, national politics and reproductive rights in the U.S. in the 20th century. Includes the papers of key national, regional, and local women leaders. Includes the Schlesinger Library Family Planning Oral History Project, and the papers of Mary Ware Dennett and the Voluntary Parenthood League.
Women, War and Society, 1914-1918This link opens in a new windowDocuments covering the First World War from the Imperial War Museum. Includes charity and international relief reports, pamphlets, photographs, press cuttings, magazines, posters, correspondence, minutes, records, diaries, memoranda, statistics, circulars, regulations and invitations.
Women and Social Movements, International: 1840 to PresentThis link opens in a new windowIncludes the writings of women activists, their personal letters and diaries, and the proceedings of conferences at which pivotal decisions were made. Coverage is global, with the largest collections covering Africa and Asia. Collections can be searched or browsed by a variety of different aspects.
Women and Social Movements: Development and the Global South 1919-2019This link opens in a new windowThemed around efforts to foster gender equity through expanded economic and social participation of women on a global scale, this database covers activism through individual efforts, organizational initiatives, and socio-cultural projects led by or for women in the Global South. Also includes accompanying essays looking at the shifts in approaches to development.
Women and Social Movements in Modern Empires Since 1820This link opens in a new windowExplores prominent themes in world history since 1820: conquest, colonization, settlement, resistance, and post-coloniality, as told through womens' voices, particularly those of the colonized. Includes documents related to the Habsburg Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the British, French, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Japanese, and United States Empires, and settler societies in the United States, New Zealand and Australia.
Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000This link opens in a new windowContains 124 document projects and archives with more than 5,100 documents and 175,000 pages of additional full-text documents, written by 2,800 primary authors. It also includes book, film, and website reviews, notes from the archives, and teaching tools, all covering the history of women in social movements.
Women at Work during World War II: Rosie the Riveter and the Women's Army CorpsThis link opens in a new windowContains the Records of the Women's Bureau of the U.S. Department of Labor (1918-1965), and Correspondence of the Director of the Women's Army Corps (1942-1946). Included are reports, records of bureau-sponsored conferences, speeches, articles, studies on the treatment of women by unions, community studies, subject files and correspondence. The WAC correspondence covers recruiting, public support for the WAC, personnel matters like discipline and conduct, and race.
Women in The National ArchivesThis link opens in a new windowThis collection consists of two distinct elements:
A finding aid to women's studies resources in The National Archives.
Original documents on the suffrage question in Britain, the Empire and colonial territories from 1902-1962.
Women Organizing Transnationally: The Committee of Correspondence, 1952-1969This link opens in a new windowIncludes official correspondence (1952-69) as well as hundreds of letters to and from correspondents throughout the world documenting the work of the U.S. based Committee of Correspondence. Also includes official records; minutes; and multiple other publications and materials pertaining to the status and problems of the world's women.
Women’s Voices and Life Writing, 1600-1968This link opens in a new windowWomen’s Voices and Life Writing, 1600-1968 brings together diaries and oral histories for the study of the lives and experiences of less well-known women, told through their own words. Hundreds of individuals from a diverse range of backgrounds are represented. Sources are UK and Irish archives and most documents are diaries, though there is a wide range of other material also included.
Gender: Identity and Social ChangeThis link opens in a new windowPrimary sources from the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and Australia.documenting women's lived experiences of suffrage, gender roles, the feminist movement, the mens movement, employment, education, the body, the family, and government and politics. Date coverage is from the 19th century to early 21st century.
Sex & SexualityThis link opens in a new windowAccess to collections from prominent sex researchers and sexologists. Papers from Dr. John Money and Dr. Harry Benjamin document advances in areas such as diverse as biology, health and medicine, sociology, anthropology, and psychology, whilst collected research from Alice Withrow Field and James W. Edwards offer important investigations into criminology and global attitudes towards sex. Covering early 19th to the early 21st centuries.
Women's Magazine ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowArchive of leading women’s interest consumer magazines from the late-19th century to 2005. Mainly US titles, but now expanded to include major UK titles as well. Subject coverage includes gender studies, social history, economics/marketing, media, fashion, politics, and popular culture.
Collections I, II and III available.
Women and Social Movements, International: 1840 to PresentThis link opens in a new windowIncludes the writings of women activists, their personal letters and diaries, and the proceedings of conferences at which pivotal decisions were made. Coverage is global, with the largest collections covering Africa and Asia. Collections can be searched or browsed by a variety of different aspects.
Women and Social Movements: Development and the Global South 1919-2019This link opens in a new windowThemed around efforts to foster gender equity through expanded economic and social participation of women on a global scale, this database covers activism through individual efforts, organizational initiatives, and socio-cultural projects led by or for women in the Global South. Also includes accompanying essays looking at the shifts in approaches to development.
Women and Social Movements in Modern Empires Since 1820This link opens in a new windowExplores prominent themes in world history since 1820: conquest, colonization, settlement, resistance, and post-coloniality, as told through womens' voices, particularly those of the colonized. Includes documents related to the Habsburg Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the British, French, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Japanese, and United States Empires, and settler societies in the United States, New Zealand and Australia.